Page 223 of All For You Duet
Derek went after Cade.
Then he went after me.
Then he went after my sister.
It’s one thing if they hurt me. And I’d do it again for Cade. I’d do anything to protect my sister, too. But the damage is done, and it won’t stop wrecking us. Something snaps and…
I need a drink.
Fuck. NO. Not this again. It won’t make me feel better. It won’t stop this. It’ll only kill me.
Please. I pray. Please help me.
“It’ll be okay.” Her voice is like an angel because it saves me every time. A soft touch lands on my back. “We’ll be okay.”
I can’t look at her. She’ll see the tears I’m fighting. I’m supposed to be strong right now, and I’m making this about me.
“Do you wanna talk?” Cade asks.
I close my eyes, and, no, I want to run. Or I want to hold her and never let her go, but all she does is fill me with more guilt.
Cade killed a man for me. She violated every law and every ethic she has to get revenge, and it’s my fault. I overdosed. I relapsed, and I pushed her to the edge. And now, neither of us will ever be the same.
“Please tell me he can’t hurt my sister anymore.” It’s all I can choke out.
“I swear to you. I’ll protect her from Derek. I’m looking for him. She gave us some good leads, so we catch him.”
“I mean TJ too. Is he really gone?”
Ocean waves are all I hear. Goddamnit, why won’t she admit it? I spin around.
“Swear it to my face that TJ is gone for good.”
She stares up at me, and her silent lips press so hard together I swear they turn white.
“You think you helped me, Cade?” The pain, the guilt, my heart snaps. “That you helped those victims too? You didn’t. Until you admit it, it’ll never be right.”
“Taylor John hasn’t been seen on this island in over sixteen months.”
She’s too cool about this. Too collected and too calculated like there was never any passion between us, so I fucking lose it.
“Tell me! Say it to my face!” Anger. It’s ripping at my seams. For my fault. For my sister. For Cade. “If it was so fucking right, then admit it! Is he dead?”
“Renie doesn’t need to fear TJ.”
Her control mocks my rage. She’s telling me without saying it, and I feel sick.
“Go be happy with your new love. With Silas. Just know, after what you did, I’ll never be happy again.”
Tears spring over her lashes, but she won’t move. Fuck, we’ve been here before. I’ve watched this horror film; our love was murdered before our eyes. Over and over.
“You don’t mean that,” she murmurs.
“Don’t tell me what I fucking feel! You have no idea what I fight inside! What I see when I close my eyes!”
The pain is worse now than the afternoon I found out—the one when Gentry ruined our lives again. Because this time, she’s moved on.
She gets to be happy.