Page 240 of All For You Duet
I step left while my right hand flies up, cupping his chin and slamming him back while my right foot kicks his ankle out from under him. He falls to the ground in my grasp while I use his shock to flip him on his stomach.
“Stay down,” I command, grabbing his wrist and torquing it back. He yelps, squirms, and tries to fight me, but my knee’s in his back, and the pain in his hand is too much. “Fight me, and you’ll make it worse.” I’m one snap away from breaking it.
And I can’t help it. I think of his wife, of so many women.
“See, asshole.” I squeeze his bones about to break. He screams while I hiss in his ear, “Fuck with women again, and this is what you’ll get.”
Men in the crowd rush to help me. That’s cute. I don’t need them because this man looks up from the concrete in red-faced pain and knows he’s done for.
It’s an hour while the Charleston police get my statement. The man is in cuffs in the back of a patrol car. His wife is safe with a sister who came to pick her up. Witnesses seal his fate, and an officer gives me his name.
Claude Olan Turner III.
This bald, rich dick is the sledgehammer I need to knock Gentry’s world down.
Tell me a bloody kneecap ain’t sexy, and I’ll point to Cade Bryant and prove you wrong. She didn’t even know she was bleeding until we jumped into her car, and I told her.
“Do you still wanna play?” I ask her from the driver’s seat, watching her dab her kneecap with a tissue.
“Hell, yes.” She grins up from her task. “It’s only midnight, and now I’m really in the mood.”
“Sugar lips, every man got in the mood watching you kick ass tonight.”
That amuses her. “Sugar lips?”
“That’s what they taste like.”
I shift her car into drive, but she grabs my arm.
“Wait,” she says, and I press the brake. “Before we go anywhere or do anything, I just wanna know.” Her hand won’t leave my arm. “What are we doing? You and me?”
Putting the car in park, I turn to her. “Do you really need to know?”
“Don’t you?”
I sift through my mind, searching my heart, and I feel sure.
“No, I’m kinda happy not knowing what we are.”
“But your parents think we’re serious. All of South Carolina society thinks we’re an item. We’ve spent every night together for two weeks, and you’re my dad’s close friend. But I don’t know what we really are.”
Desperation, sadness, insecurity; none of that appears in her violet eyes. It’s just pure curiosity shining through and making me smile.
“You just listed what other people think or expect.” Damn, she’s hot. Like she-can-kick-your-ass-and-you’ll-love-it hot. “What do you want?”
“I don’t wanna keep hurting, and I don’t wanna hurt you. And I want to help you with your family. And I don’t want to lose my fishing buddy.”
“And fuck buddy.”
It’s serious, the look she cuts my way. “Silas, you’re more than my fuck buddy, and you know that.”
I’m trying to lighten the mood after a helluva night for her, but she’s right. What connects Cade and me is more than sex. It’s really hot sex. And everyone around us can see it.
But for every true answer I give her, there are more questions in my heart.
“I feel like one of those fish that can fly,” I confess. “You ever seen ‘em? Like they need to swim and fly, and that’s me. I don’t want to hurt you either. You’re much more than a friend or a fuck to me, but I can’t tell you what that means.”