Page 287 of All For You Duet
“Okay.” He wedges into her.
“Careful, darlin’.” I tickle my lips over her ear. “You say that now, and you’re gonna get a two-for-one deal.”
“No one’s getting anything until we shower.” She rolls to her back and tortures us with tits begging for our suck.
“Alright.” I circle her nipple. “All three of us. We rub-a-dub-dub in the shower together.”
“No can do.” Silas crawls out of bed, and damn, his ass is cut, and fuck a shower. I want him. “That shower stall barely fits me.”
He walks to the kitchenette at the corner of his loft. I glance at Cade, and we both smile at his tan nudity. He’s such a tease.
“Quit eye-fucking me,” he says with his back turned. “I can’t make coffee with a hard-on.”
“Go shower.” I nudge Cade out of bed. “Because once we’re caffeinated, I’m fucking someone real soon.”
“Me first.” She pecks my cheek before crawling out of bed.
Silas glances over his shoulder and grins, watching her disappear into his bathroom. Then he glances back at me, and I’m not shy. I lay naked with no covers and my arm above my head, hoping to torment him half as much as he does me with that body.
“How do you take it?” he asks as he turns around, and yes, you can start a pot of coffee with a hard-on.
“I have no idea, but I’m willing to try with you.”
He leans against the tiny countertop while the carafe behind him fills, and I don’t know if it’s his heart or his cock asking, “You really haven’t done much with a man before?”
“Not that I remember.” I sit up and grab another pillow to put behind me because we need to have this talk. “All I remember is what those pictures triggered. That man at the club. Twice, I recall now, but that’s it. I’m not trying to hide it or anything. It’s just that not-remembering is exactly what I tried to do for so long until it almost killed me—twice.”
Cade steps naked and dripping out of a cloud of steam.
“Got any towels?” she asks Silas, and he rolls his eyes.
“Shit. They’re all dirty. Sorry.” He opens a closet door. “I wasn’t expecting a guest.” A clean white T-shirt appears in his hand. “Or two.” He tosses it her way. “Here, this is all I got.”
I’m not complaining. Watching Cade dry her incredible body off, damn, I’m next. I jump up for the shower and swat her ass on my way there. She giggles and swats mine back before grabbing her first cup of coffee. When I’m done, I turn off the shower lever, and Silas is standing in the doorway, watching me with a clean blue T-shirt in his hand.
“Need me to dry you off?” he asks.
I’m about to say, “Hell yes,” but Cade calls out, “Y’all start without me and asses will be whipped.”
“Promise?” I shout back, taking the T-shirt and a kiss from Silas while our naked bodies rub past each other in the doorway.
I pour a cup of coffee while Cade taps on her phone and Silas showers up. Cream swirls in my cup as I pour it. I usually take it black, but Silas has the flavored stuff, and I’m ready to try everything.
I meant what I told him last night. It just rushed from my heart, and it was true. I look at Silas, and he’s everything I would’ve been. I was just like him. Wild. Free. Happy and fun.
But all that spirit inside me was crushed. It’s like Derek Baucom held me down while TJ and Gentry ripped me apart, and bloody pieces of me were left in the sand that night.
Cade’s dad saved my life.
Cade saved my heart.
And now I’m searching for my soul back.
And when I look at Silas, I hope I find a soul like his.
The three of us; it heals Cade and makes me feel like I can, too. For the first time, I’m not being pulled back into the hell of that night and those feelings. Finally, I think I can move on. I can move on with them. There’s too much love between us not to try.
I stare out his window, looking over the river and swirls of marsh grass, until I hear Cade mutter, “Fuck yes.”