Page 325 of All For You Duet
Yep, Mama G got the last laugh.
Silas stands beside me. We were pallbearers, and now we’re sweating expensive BOUND cologne in the South Carolina heat.
I’ve cried my tears over Mama G. I couldn’t help it when it upset my mama so much to see her go. But now I’m standing strong for Cade. I’m focused only on what she needs, and it’s beginning to fall into place.
My skull ain’t so thick anymore. And my eyes are wide open. So is my heart. I’ve never seen Cade like this, and it’s like, for the first time in ten years, she needs me to save her again.
I know exactly what should happen next. Mama G whispered it into my ear three times before she passed. And I promised her I would.
Making those plans in my head, romantic ones for later, for when the time is right, I don’t notice him at first. A small crowd of dark suits and one blonde in a perfectly tailored black dress make their way to the hundreds of guests gathered in Mama G’s honor.
And I can’t believe his nerve.
Because he never had the balls.
He’s just got pure evil.
“The fuck he will,” I mutter, my steps covering ground to stop the procession of his wicked posse this way before Cade sees him. Because if she sees Senator Gentry Evans at her mama’s funeral, two bodies are going in the ground today.
Silas sees it, too, and backs me up. We meet them halfway across their path through the tombstones under palmetto trees and Spanish Moss.
“Turn around now, Senator,” I say, “and don’t make a fucking scene, or I swear it’ll be your last.”
“I told you,” Stacey hisses beside him. “This is highly inappropriate and not a good idea.”
Her eyes look at mine with nothing but an apology in them. I don’t blame her. She can’t stop Gentry’s wicked ways.
I love the only one who can.
And she needs me right now.
“Mr. Dean.” Gentry smiles too big. “As the distinguished Senator of this district, I will not disrespect the memory and service of our first woman and longest-serving Sheriff in this state. I will pay my respects just like everyone else who has also come to.”
It seems like everyone who ever served under Mama G or just simply loved her is here, even Silas’s parents.
But not this man.
“You’ll turn around,” I seethe, “or I’ll strangle your ass back into your car and kill you there, and ain’t no one stopping me. Your choice, Senator.”
“Mr. Dean,” he sneers. “Hollywood clout doesn’t matter here on Hilton Head. You underestimate your power.”
I step to him. So close, I swear he still smells like that vile Abercrombie cologne he used to wear, and it twists my stomach. But now, I’m inches taller, many pounds stronger, and way too tough to ever back down.
“Gentry Evans,”—I grab his neck—“you haven’t felt my power yet. But keep fucking with me, and you’ll feel it take your last breath.”
“And I’ll help him.” Silas steps to my side. “And I’ll make sure every political donor in the South shows you the power of never giving you another damn dollar again.”
Because Gentry’s so damn twisted, so evil that if violence doesn’t control him, money will.
His mouth snarls. His eyes glare into mine, and I’m so tempted. I could end him, squeezing his throat to death now like I almost did Derek.
But I remember.
Two women.
Two friends who still need me.