Page 136 of The Luna Duet
“What?” I gasped. “He did that?”
“Wow.” Joel sneered. “You should see yourself. Your eyes just lit up at the thought of that cunt strangling me, yet you have nothing to say for yourself for the year we’ve been together. You’ve never once looked at me that way, Neri. Not once.”
“And that’s why you deserve someone who will.” I wrung my hands. “I’m so sorry—”
“Say that one more time and I won’t be responsible for what I’ll do,” he hissed. “You planned this well, didn’t you. In a crowded place? Somewhere I can’t get too irate or argue my side.”
“There are no sides.”
“Of course there are fucking sides. You didn’t want to dump me at your place because Aslan would’ve heard. Then again, bet he’d be dancing for joy knowing you’re done screwing me. And you didn’t want to dump me at mine because Zara would’ve heard.” He bared his teeth. “If you think you can keep my sister and get rid of me, you’re gonna be sorely disappointed.”
I sighed, sniffing back more falling tears. “I know. I know I’ve lost you both. Zara will hate me for this.”
“Oh, I’ll make sure she does more than just hate you,” he spat. “I’ll make sure she curses the very air you breathe. She’ll never speak a single word to you again. She’ll never even look at you. She’ll make you realise the huge fucking mistake you just made.”
“I truly am so sorr—”
His hand latched around my throat before I could blink. “I said stop saying that. You’re not sorry. If you were, you would never have strung me along in the first place.” He squeezed my neck just as a girl standing beside her boyfriend shifted toward us with wide eyes.
Letting me go, he shook out his hand as if he hadn’t meant to do that. “I never want to see you again, Nerida. Ever, do you hear me? Don’t come round. Don’t call. Don’t text. Don’t even fucking think about me. I’m done. We’re done. If I catch you trying to speak to Zara...” He wiped his mouth, swallowing back whatever threat he would’ve said. “Just stay the hell away from both of us.”
Spinning on his heel, Joel barged through the crowd and vanished.
The girl who’d seen Joel touch me, wriggled her way out from under her boyfriend’s arm and clicked in vibrant pink heels toward me. “Are you okay?”
My voice cracked as tears flowed. “Not really.”
“Aw, sweetie.” Wrapping me in her embrace, the shock of being hugged by a total stranger broke the dam of sadness within me.
I hugged her back and cried.
I let go for exactly ten seconds, and then I pushed her away and smiled the best I could. “I’m sorry for getting your pretty cami wet.” Using a napkin from the bar, I sopped up my tears.
She waved her hand. “Don’t worry about it. Do you want to talk? I’m a pretty good listener.”
I sucked in a watery breath. I didn’t know her name. She knew nothing about my life. But I suddenly had the strongest need for her validation.
“I just broke up with my boyfriend. We’d been going out for over a year—”
“Oh, that sucks—”
“But I’m not crying over him.”
“’re not?” Her eyebrows rose. “Why are you crying then?”
“Because I just broke up with his sister too. She was my best friend.”
Her face fell. “Oh, girl, I totally get that. Those bonds are sometimes so much stronger.”
“I used her brother because I’ve been in love with a boy since I was twelve. A boy who I’m pretty sure feels the same way about me.”
“Jesus, this just keeps getting juicier.” Her green eyes lit up, her dark-blonde curls shining from the craypot candelabra above. “Why aren’t you with him, then?”
Because he’s illegal and won’t do anything to jeopardise his safety.
And I love him too much to run the risk of him being deported.
I shook my head and reached for her hand. Squeezing it, I murmured, “Long story.” Slipping off my barstool, I pulled her in for another hug.