Page 160 of The Luna Duet
I shouldn’t be this obsessed.
I shouldn’t feel this level of need.
I was destroyed at twenty-one.
Utterly ruined by an Australian girl in a country where I wasn’t permitted.
The sound of bubbles and the woosh of oxygen escaping a mouthpiece wrenched my gaze to the side of the boat. Jack shoved his mask to his forehead, staying afloat with well-practiced kicks of his fins. “Hey, mate. Got that final tray of coral for me?”
“Yep, of course.” Keeping my hips averted as much as I could, I marched to the table where the specialised tray of baby coral waited. Spiky ivory, subtle pink, and soft greens of new coral looked so innocent in their carefully sealed seawater capsules.
Neri would’ve loved to have been here, helping.
Stop thinking about her. For once in your damn life.
Doing my best to keep my hands steady, I secured the main lid so they wouldn’t float away, then carried the coral to Jack. Dropping to my knees, I passed the tray carefully, my hands dipping into the ocean before he claimed it.
“Cheers.” He grinned but then studied me a little closer. “You okay? You’re a little flushed.”
“Am I? I feel fine. No problems.” I sat back on my heels, hiding what his damn daughter had done to me. “Everything all good down there?”
“Yep, going swimmingly.” Studying me a little more, he frowned. “Get in the shade, Aslan. You don’t look so good.” Yanking down his mask, he balanced the tray on one hand, inserted his oxygen mouthpiece, and sank beneath the surface.
I fell back onto my ass, breathing hard.
Pulling my phone from my pocket, I typed.
Me: Delete this thread as soon as you read this and stop sending me photos. I was seconds away from coming in my shorts, and your bloody father appeared. I must look insane. He told me I’m flushed. That’s your fault, Nerida. Your fucking fault that I really, really need to come. Your fault that I’m going out of my mind with lust for you.
Neri: So come. They won’t know.
Me: I am not jerking off over the side of the boat. With my luck, your parents would see my goddamn sperm floating past them.
Neri: OMG, you just made me laugh out loud in class. How about time we’re on the boat together, I’ll get on my knees and you can come on my tongue. I’ll swallow all your evidence and lick my lips while doing it.
Me: Holy fucking hell. How did I not know you were this dirty?
Neri: Because you refused to see me. But now you do. And I’m free to give you everything.
My heart collided with my ribs, making me trip into the shade and fall into the chair.
Me: When you get home from school come to my room, unsuspiciously.
Neri: Oh, I’m actually being given permission to step inside your domain now, am I?
Me: Come to me, Neri. I’m going to show you just how hard that photo made me and you’re going to put me out of my misery.
Neri: Your wish is my command. See you soon, Aslan.
With trembling hands, I deleted the thread of messages, saved the innocent-enough photo, and threw myself into work.
Chapter Thirty-Four