Page 241 of The Luna Duet
Every instinct told me to fight for the surface, but Jack’s lessons echoed loudly in my ears. “If you see a shark, hold your ground. They’re most likely just curious. You have a much better chance of surviving if you make eye contact, stay head on, and punch it square in the nose if it charges.”
The shark twisted in the water, its fins slicing effortlessly. Rows upon rows of jagged teeth glittered in the sunlight spearing through the water. Scars branded its side and part of its gills looked torn, but the wounds were old, not new. They spoke of a vicious war that it had won.
Its tail never quickened, but it changed direction, swimming directly for me.
I glanced at Neri still hovering on the surface.
At least it wasn’t going after her.
At least she was safe and—
The shark picked up its pace.
Its powerful grey body undulated and weaved.
Three metres, two metres, one—
Neri shot in front of me, blocking my vision and placing herself in harm’s way.
Instinct roared through me.
Grabbing her around the waist, I shoved her to the side, desperate to put her behind me.
She fought and struggled, elbowing me in the stomach.
I doubled over, losing my regulator and sending a tornado of bubbles flying.
The shark baulked and swam around us.
I grabbed the mouthpiece and shoved it back between my teeth. Neri cupped my cheeks and studied me. She mouthed, “I’m sorry”, then took off after the damn shark.
What the actual fuck—?
Spinning in place, I almost lost my regulator again as Neri swam alongside the shark, gently touched its dorsal fin, then cut in front of it.
My heart tried to leap into the sea.
I swam after her, panic and fury pouring through me.
How dare she put herself in such danger?
How dare she try to protect me, then swim after the same monster she protected me from!?
How fucking dare—
My mind went blank as Neri folded her legs and descended to the sandy floor in front of the shark. She sat on her heels, her monofin wafting up grit. The knife in her hands glinted, and I braced myself for a fight.
What the hell is she doing?
She wouldn’t hurt the shark...she’d never do that.
So why does she have the knife?