Page 250 of The Luna Duet
That knowledge was enough to control my raging heartbeat and soften my violent nature.
We clung to each other.
We breathed in each other.
And as the dregs of my humanity returned, horror rippled down my spine for what I’d done. “Shit...Nerida.” Pushing up to my elbows, I untangled my fingers from her sun-drying hair. I went to withdraw. “I’m sorry—”
“Don’t you dare apologise.” She smiled with swollen lips, and grabbed my ass, preventing me from disengaging. With a groan, she stretched beneath me like a well petted cat, our bodies slicking and sticking to each other. My cock pulsed deep inside her, reacting to the way she preened, already thirsty for another taste.
I stiffened as her spine popped and her face flared with discomfort, but nothing could hide the gleam of satisfaction or the smug satedness in her eyes. “So...that’s what happens when I steal the heart of a guy like you, huh?”
Part of me was ashamed.
I never wanted to be so hard with her, so desperate or cruel.
But the way she choked on a smile and her gaze glowed with love helped ease the shame rapidly crawling up my throat. “You did want to get to know me better...” I smirked, my cock twitching inside her. “Now, you do.”
She licked her lips. “Unfortunately for you, it’s made me want to know everything. Every part you’ve hidden from me. Every piece of you that you pretend doesn’t exist. I know you loved your father. The one who gave you a love for numbers and sweetness,’re not just that son. You’re another’s too. An heir to someone powerful and cutthroat and frankly, a man who sounds like a monster—”
“That’s why I will never embrace that side of myself.”
“But don’t you see? You’re not just him. You’re better than him. You’re more than him. You will never be him because you’re already your own person. I’m not afraid of you, Aslan. I will never be afraid of you because that side of you protects me, even while ravaging me—”
“Ravaging you?” I snorted, letting words I didn’t want to acknowledge linger between us. “Is that what I did?”
“Pretty sure you went all lion on me.”
I laughed under my breath. “I’m well aware of the books you read on your e-reader, Neri. You’re not so innocent in all of this.”
Her eyebrows vanished into her hairline as she blinked like a sweet little virgin instead of the dirty temptress she was. “You have no idea what I read.”
“Oh, I don’t, do I?” I nuzzled my nose with hers. “How about the one with the dragon shifter and the joining knot? His mate can’t get away as he—”
“Oh my God. How do you know about that?”
“I’m on the same account as you. Anna gave me her old e-reader when she upgraded, remember? I get to share your library and read all about French men stringing up Australian girls, using toys and whips and—”
“Oh God, stop.” She laughed.
“See where I’m going with this?”
Her cheeks blazed bright red. “You think I’m—”
“Hot for domination?”
She groaned and buried her face into my neck. “You said it, not me.”
“Your body’s been telling me ever since I first kissed you.” I stiffened inside her, my blood thickening, my desire swelling. “Why do you think I can barely control myself around you? You smile at me all sweetly. You let me finger you against my door and kiss me with your innocent tongue, but then you go to bed and read some deliciously filthy stuff.”
“We could...enact some of that filth if you want.”
“Fuck, don’t tempt me.” I hardened, stretching her all over again, highly aware we hadn’t disengaged, just like we hadn’t last night—almost as if the thought of being apart was too painful to contemplate.
We were human. We had no magic or primitive mating rituals like in Neri’s books. Yet...our hearts had provided a joining tie. A knot that couldn’t be undone because it would be far too painful to survive without it.
Words faded, and she snuggled deeper into my arms.
Primordial urges sang down my spine to thrust again, but the aching tenderness of the moment made me roll onto my side and drag her with me.