Page 263 of The Luna Duet
My hypersensitive cock perked up for more.
I wanted another round.
Glancing at the door, I decided to err on the side of caution. I could stay inside her like we sometimes did. I could wait for my cock to harden and spread her all over again, ready for round two. But we’d already been too long. Jack expected me to help with the barbecue to celebrate our first night of holidays and Anna...she was probably wondering where her wayward daughter was so they could celebrate her finishing school.
That cold slithering around my heart returned, along with the crowd of whispers.
Wincing, I withdrew from my star-given wife and sat back on my heels.
Neri moaned as she pushed up to her hands and threw me a grateful look as I tossed her the tissue box that lived on my bedside table.
I didn’t speak as I shoved my half-hard cock back into my shorts and zipped up. Neri cleaned between her legs, found her bikini bottoms, and stood to secure them. Only once her skirt was back in place and I’d gathered her into my arms, did I murmur, “That was the last time, canim.”
She flinched, leaning back in my embrace to study my eyes. “What do you mean?”
“Christmas is in three days. I’m going to tell Jack about us. I-I have something to give you, and...I don’t want to keep hiding anymore. It’s a fucking miracle we haven’t been caught and I’m not willing to keep playing with fire.”
“But...what about—”
“You have my word I’ll never tell them what happened to you at Zara’s, but you can’t keep using sex between us as your cure. It’s not working, Neri. I hate that it’s not working and I’m not saying I won’t keep helping you in any way I can, but...that was the last time you come to me to hide.”
“But I wasn’t hiding. I was living.” Her nose wrinkled with determination. “You don’t understand, Aslan. When I’m with you, when I hear you groan with lust and feel how desperately you need me, you give me back every scrap of self-worth he took from me. I don’t feel helpless or powerless. I’m not angry or sad or second-guessing every part of that night. I can stop beating myself up for accepting that mug of Coke. I can stop going over and over why—when I’ve prided myself so many times on my instincts—that they failed me so spectacularly that night.” Her voice wobbled a little. “When I’m with you, Aslan, I can just be me again. It goes...quiet inside, and I really need that quiet. I’m sick of my mind racing and—”
“The only way it will stop racing is if you face everything you just admitted. Accept that your instincts failed you, but that doesn’t mean you can’t keep trusting them. Accept that you let societal niceties coerce you into accepting a drink from a total stranger. Accept that he took more from you than you’re willing to admit and then...when you’ve accepted all of that...get angry, get mad, cry, scream, go butcher a tree, because I swear to you, if you don’t find a way to let it out, you’ll end up like me. Afraid of walking down the street in case I’m caught. Afraid of sleep in case I hear my sister’s screams. Afraid of living or daring to dream and fucking terrified of the future because as much as I want to plan a life with you, Neri, I have no idea where to start. What will it look like, or how is it even possible? I want what everyone else has. I want a home with you, a family with you, a long, safe, incredible romance with you, but right now, I have no idea if that can even happen.”
Tucking her hair behind her ears, I kissed her cute wrinkled nose. “Perhaps we both have to be a little braver.”
She nodded beneath my lips, sucking in a fortifying breath. “Okay. No more hiding.”
“No more hiding.”
“We face the future. Together.”
“We tell my parents in three days.”
“When we hand out the presents on Christmas night, I’m dropping to one knee.”
She shivered. “And we tell the whole world that we belong to one another.”
I kissed her. “Agreed.”
We smiled and opened my door, and went to her parents with our secret buried tight.
We spent a lovely evening with family, eating, drinking, linked by hearts and promises.
And I went to bed that night with hope.
Hope that Neri would be okay.
Hope that Jack would accept me.
Hope that one day...we could be free.
What a shame none of that happened.
What an utter waste the world said...fuck no.