Page 342 of The Luna Duet
“Aslan single-handedly ran Mum and Dad’s research operation. They passed almost everything over to him so they could spend as much time under the waves as possible,” Neri said with awe. “He can do anything.”
My nape prickled with embarrassment. I really didn’t like being the centre of attention or being spoken so highly of. I wanted to stay in the background, surrounded by shadows that kept me safe. “Neri, enough—”
“I’m excited.” Griffen smacked his hands together again. “Right, the day isn’t getting any younger, and I promised my wife, Millie, that I’d take her out for dinner, about a quick tour? I’ll show you the electrical mains for the twenty-four apartments, the maintenance shed with all the tools, and the shut-off valves for water, gas, etcetera. That way, you can get familiar with how things work, so it won’t be quite so terrifying when I send through the list of issues that need addressing.”
I held the man’s stare. He seemed friendly, trustworthy, and had an ease about him that soothed my stress just enough for me to relax. A little.
“Sounds good,” Neri said on my behalf, throwing me a wide-eyed look, no doubt trying to remind me to be polite and not shut down.
“This way then,” Griffen announced, sweeping out of the room, expecting us to follow.
Neri gave me another piercing scowl as she padded toward the living room. I chased after them, my eyes locked on the sway of her stunning hair as Griffen’s voice sailed from up ahead. “Not sure if you’ve ever gutted a kitchen, Aslan, but I’ve already ordered a new flatpack. It’ll be delivered sometime next week. If you’re okay with ripping this one out and installing the new one, that would be great. It’s just like Ikea furniture, really, anyone can do it. Once you’ve got the new cabinets and Formica countertop in, I’ll give you the number for the sparky and plumber to wire in the new stove and sink. Sound good?”
My ears buzzed. My brain ached.
“I, eh—”
“Sounds perfect,” Neri said, falling back to pinch me. “He’ll figure it out. Like I said, he always does.”
“Great. Come along then.” Griffen opened our front door, stepping into the ground floor corridor.
I followed my new landlord and moon-wedded wife as they headed past other apartment doors and didn’t stop until we reached the maintenance rooms.
Music played in one home above me.
A baby screamed in another.
The pressure of life existing all around us made my back prickle with warning.
So many people.
So many eyes and mouths.
Too many eyes to see that I didn’t belong and too many mouths to share my secret.
The black whispers did their best to twist my guts with worry.
Could I do this?
Could we do this?
Were we safe to do this?
I did my best to listen to what Griffen said. I balled my hands and told my ever-present anxiety to shut the fuck up.
This was just another sala.
This complex was just another garden.
As long as I didn’t do something stupid, and no one figured out I didn’t belong...I’d be fine.
Three years.
It wasn’t that long.
And then Neri and I could go back home to the reef, the rainforest, and a town that didn’t threaten me.
* * * * *