Page 381 of The Luna Duet
“Don’t you dare talk about him like that.” Neri stepped forward, proud and brave and utterly clueless to the fire she stoked. I held her back, my fingers white around hers.
“Neri...” I breathed, fighting the animalistic part of me that howled and roared to tear these men limb from limb. I barely clung to my humanness. Barely stayed coherent while these assholes threatened my most precious thing.
“Where the hell did you come from, huh?” Bald Spot asked me. “Definitely not from here.” He looked at his mate with an ugly fish tattooed on his bicep. “Reckon we should help him find his way home?”
“He belongs with me,” Neri hissed.
“Nah, you belong with one of us.” Blue t-shirt grinned. “I could make you real happy.”
My teeth turned to dust in my mouth.
I will not retaliate.
I will not put Neri in danger.
I will not strike.
I will not—
“Cat got your tongue, cunt?” Ugly Fish sneered. “Got nothing to say for yourself?”
Every bone in my body was on fire. The red haze that always fell over me whispered with bloody punishment. I wanted to beat them to a pulp for their slander and disgusting slurs.
But I wouldn’t.
Because I would never put Neri in danger.
I would never let my ego choose violence over protecting her.
They could say whatever the hell they wanted about me, but I
“Tell us where you came from. We’ll make sure you get back there.” The four men chuckled and swayed closer. “We can put you on a boat tonight. How about that?”
Neri shot me a look as if surprised at how calm I was.
I did my best to embrace ice. To become impenetrable to these bastards. My only task was to keep Neri safe. They meant nothing to me. She meant everything.
If I had to look weak, so be it.
If I had to listen to their remarks, fine.
As long as they grew tired of taunting and left us the fuck alone, they could spit on me again for all I cared.
“Fucking rude prick for not responding to us.” Black t-shirt snarled. “Hey.” He shoved me in the chest. “We’re speaking to you.”
My vision turned as red as blood.
My free hand balled into stone.
I will not retaliate.
I will not put Neri in danger.