Page 409 of The Luna Duet
“Mr. Taylor.” He tapped my cheek. “Stay with me, Mr. Taylor. It’s okay. You’re okay.”
I felt nothing.
Nothing but burning, blazing, breaking pain.
I have to run.
I have to—
The black wave crashed over me.
I drowned.
Chapter Twenty-Five
(Love in Croatian: Ljubav)
“I’VE FOUND HIM. HE’S OKAY, OR AS well as could be expected after being hit with a car.” Jedda bustled toward me in her pink Crocs and scrubs.
“Oh thank God.” Tears sprang and ran down my cheeks before I could stop them.
My entire body broke out in shivers as every emotion bowled through me.
“I need to see him.” I leapt from my plastic chair in the busy waiting room. After my consultation and discharge, when the doctor found I wasn’t injured, I’d been told to go home.
I’d ignored that suggestion.
And I’d keep ignoring it until I could go home with Aslan.
“Take me to him.” The room swam a little. “I have to see him. I have to apologise to him.” That strange ache in my lower belly twinged again, full of nausea and worry. “I have to get him out of here.”
“Neri, sit down before you fall.” Jedda grabbed my wrist as I stumbled, tugging me back to sitting. She folded heavily into the chair beside mine, giving a bone-weary sigh. “You can’t see him, and he can’t go home. Not yet.”
“Why not?” My heart smoked with fear. “Why can’t I—”
“You can’t see him because no one must know you’re together. If he’s discovered for overstaying, then I have no idea what will happen to you and your parents for housing him. What laws you’ve broken. What discipline you’ll face.” Her hands balled in her lap. “This isn’t a trifling matter, Nerida. Promise me you won’t go running through the hospital to find him. Let me handle this—”
“Then discharge him and tell him to meet me outside. I’ll go home and get the Jeep. I’ll swing by and pick him up—”