Page 416 of The Luna Duet
My stitches yanked, and my ribs poked. But it was my hip that almost made me black out as the man made me twist on the spot. Breathing heavily, I glowered at the guy who’d stopped me, and my heart fucking froze.
Four suited men stood before me.
In the hands of the closest one hung a picture.
My picture.
No...not my picture.
Someone else.
Someone I looked exactly like.
My world narrowed to a single moment, a single breath, a single rip-roaring heartbeat.
I felt as if I was choking, dying, screaming.
My nostrils flared as the men glanced at the photo of my father—my biological father—and nodded at each other. “You’re Aslan Avci? Or should I say Aslan Kara?”
The sound of Jack’s door slamming made me look over my shoulder.
Our eyes connected.
True fear tore between us.
It was tangible.
A hot, stinging conduit of disbelief.
One of the men stepped closer, raising the photo of Cem. Planting it in my face, he snapped, “Is this your father?”
Jack stumbled forward; my mind split with so many scenarios.
Of him defending me.
Lying for me.
Implicating himself for me.
My father would learn of his name.
He’d learn of Neri’s name.
He’d come for them, just like he’d come for me.
He’ll kill them.
I choked on death as I held up my hand at Jack, urging him to stop, then straightened my spine and locked down all my pain. “I’ve never seen that man before in my life.”
The guy with thin lips nodded. “That’s because you were kidnapped when you were eight months old. There’s been an international missing person’s report on you for over two decades.”
My heart stopped beating. “’re mistaken. I’m Australian. I—”
“We believe you are Aslan Avci, also known as Aslan Kara. Therefore, you are hereby detained for questioning.”
“What, why? I didn’t do anything wrong—”