Page 490 of The Luna Duet
The pain pushed me deep.
I faded.
Time skipped.
I woke to different hands touching my burning body, the pain somehow even worse. I was no longer being eaten alive; I’d been eaten. Every organ was exposed. My skin was flayed. My blood pooled all over the floor.
Fuck, please....make it stop!
“He’s suffering a reaction to xylazine. See how his skin is turning black around the puncture wound? It’s necrosis. His tissue is dying.”
“Stop it then!” a man roared. “Do something.”
“It’s not easy to fix. How long did you say he’s been like this?”
“Ten hours.”
“Ten—?” The man cursed. “You should’ve called me immediately, efendim.”
“He was tranquilised. He was resting fine. The sedative worked perfectly until he started rousing.”
“But now it’s killing him.”
“I command you to keep him alive!”
A long pause before the doctor said, “I will remove some of the damaged tissue. I cannot promise it will stop the spread. It depends how much damage has already been done. He will need antibiotics internally and externally. When was his last tetanus injection?”
“How the fuck am I supposed to know? He was stolen from me when he was eight months old!”
A flurry of movement followed by a prick in my arm. “There. I’ve given him tetanus so that’s one less thing to worry about. I’ve also administered tolazoline. It’s not approved for use in humans but acts as a reversal agent to xylazine poisoning in ruminants. Hopefully it helps.... For now, please leave the room and let me work.”
“I’m not going anywhere.”
“Fine. Then shut up and stay out of my way.”
A roar that sounded like a bear. “I will tolerate you speaking to me like that if you succeed in stabilising my son, Çetin. But if you do and I are having words.”
“Yes, efendim. I apologise. I’m only concerned. I despise the use of xylazine and have seen far too many deaths. Y-You don’t deal in this substance, do you, Kara?”
Another pause.
“I would never sell drugs that kill. If I’d been aware the dart was this dangerous, I would’ve found another way to subdue him. Do you honestly think I would put my own flesh and blood through this?”
“No. I believe this was an honest mistake.”
“Then fix it...please.”
“I’ll do my best, efendim.”
The darkness opened wide.
The fire turned black.
It swallowed me whole.
* * * * *