Page 500 of The Luna Duet
“The fact that you think that’s possible shows how insane you truly are.”
“You will do those things, Aslan, mark my words.”
“Not while I’m alive.”
“There are different levels of being alive, my son,” he said quietly. “Don’t make me prove that to you.”
“I will never sell another. I will never kill another. And I will certainly never rape someone.”
“When the day comes that you do, I won’t say I told you so but will merely welcome you with open arms.”
I snarled like a caged animal. Which I was. And caged animals ended up doing stupid things. I wished I was stronger. I wished I stood a chance at taking on three men, guns, and untold guards above us.
I wished I could shoot my way out and fly home to Neri.
Even if I managed to escape, even if I managed to find Neri in a different country and we vanished under different names, could I do that to her?
Could I be that selfish?
Could I ever look at her again if I do the things Cem says I’ll do?
I froze.
If Cem somehow broke me enough to become him, I would never be able to look Neri in the eyes again.
I would be as bad as Ethan.
I would be worse.
“Choose, Aslan.” Cem waved the gun, the muzzle still pointed at my heart. “All it takes is a single nod.”
The pitchforks in my chest turned into spears and stabbed me in the lungs.
Fire seared through my blood as I fought for a way out.
I could barely walk.
Barely see.
I was weak and mildly feverish, and the adrenaline flowing in my system was enough to wipe out all the energy I’d been able to claw back.
Even if I made smart choices or stupid decisions, this wouldn’t end well for me.
Sorrow crashed coldly as I gathered my embarrassing strength, crossed my arms, and glowered at the gun. “I will never do what you want me to do. I will never be you. No matter what you do to me. No matter how badly you torture me. I will never be your son.”
Cem sighed. “I won’t deny that doesn’t hurt, but...I understand.”
“Are you going to shoot me now?”
Instantly, he lowered the pistol. “I will never shoot you again.” His gaze went to my left calf. “I’m sorry I shot you in the first place. I just...I hope the infection has been stopped and you’ll regain your strength in time.” A thought crossed his face, making him stand taller. “I’ll commission a cane to be carved for you, how about that? A lion’s head with a flowing mane. You can use it while you learn to walk again.”
“I’ll stick it up your ass.”
His shoulders sank. “Unfortunately, at this moment in time, I believe you would.” Holding the gun out to the side, he waited as the guard came forward and claimed it. Slipping it beneath his blazer, the guard turned to go, but my father said, ever so quietly, horribly coldly, “Bring in the chair and unlock the machine.”