Page 525 of The Luna Duet
I didn’t know why some days he shocked me and others he didn’t. I didn’t know why some days the answers I gave to his endless questions were right, and some days they pissed him off so much he turned up the machine far too high.
If I knew what I was supposed to do, I would do it.
No, you wouldn’t.
You’d take the punishment to stay true to Neri.
I stilled.
Perhaps that was the problem.
Maybe he knew that.
I stiffened as my gaze fell on my tattoo.
If he ever learns that’s how I’m avoiding his mind games...
My head wrenched up. I swallowed hard as a slow smile tipped Cem’s lips. With eerie calmness, he reached across the table and pressed the prongs of the picana against my ink.
“I think you just gave away your little trick, Aslan.”
I didn’t move my arm away.
I wouldn’t give him that satisfaction.
Instead, I sat taller, shoved another forkful of food into my mouth, and dared him, just fucking dared him to shock me.
With a low chuckle, he sat back.
He toasted me with his tea.
And I feared what the fuck he would do next.
Two years, nine months...
“I’d hoped, Aslan. I’d truly, truly hoped.”
Cem threw a bucket of icy water over me where I’d passed out in the chair. I came to, spluttering and choking, already fearing the extra sizzle of electricity now I was wet.
I had so many scars over my body—not from blades or daggers but from electrode burns. Water made them sear ten times worse. Some wounds had become infected, leaving me with lesions and scabs that made me look like something only written about in horror stories.
To make matters worse, the oversensitivity I’d been born with—that’d granted such pleasure and intensity when I’d made love to Neri—was now my enemy. My skin didn’t just zing with electricity, it blistered. The phantom pain of my amputated leg made me sob in the dark as I tried to rub away the bone-deep ache or scratch the incessant itch on my missing ankle.
No matter how hard I clung to sanity and grasped at every memory of Neri, each day I was losing.
Little by little, quicker and quicker.
The walls were closing in.
The chains in my mind were buckling.
I don’t know how much more I can take.
Ducking to his haunches, Cem rested his hands on my bare thighs.