Page 560 of The Luna Duet
Something science couldn’t explain.
Maths or logic or common sense could never explain.
My heart wrenched in my chest as if it came clean away from arteries and veins.
My bones warmed.
My blood fizzed.
And...I knew.
I knew.
I knew before my knees gave out.
I knew before the car door opened.
I knew before Ayla skidded to a stop and said, “Wait, you’re not Nana and Pop Pop.”
My eyes met the coal-dark stare of someone I never thought I’d see again.
I choked on a sob.
Slammed to the ground.
And broke.
Chapter Forty-Nine
(Heart in Russian: ??????)
I was underwater or watching an old-school movie.
It didn’t feel real.
This surreal, incredible, impossible moment fucking terrified me because...what if this wasn’t real. What if this was a dream, and I was about to wake up?
I’d find myself back in the cave, strapped to the chair, with another bolt of electricity tearing up my insides.
Another delusion slowly killing me.
I wouldn’t survive it.
Please, please be real.
My vision danced with sun flares and tears. My mind utterly unable to absorb the scene before me.