Page 19 of Capture Me
Which wasn’t exactly a hardship. Her ass was a ripe, perfect peach. I remembered her jeans being pretty much skin tight even back at her apartment and now, soaking wet and glistening, they clung to every curve. It was impossible to walk behind her and not stare at that ass. Or think about bending her over the end of a bed, her pussy rising into view as her upper body sank down. My thumb, tracing down the line of her lips, feeling them moisten and part—
I tripped on a root that had no right to be there and stumbled for a few steps before I caught myself. Tanya looked back over her shoulder and smirked. “Neuklyuzhiy gorilla.”
I had no idea what the first word meant but apparently gorilla was the same in Russian. I gave her a glare but I was flushing. Did she know I’d been gawping at her? I studied her eyes. Yeah. Yeah, of course she knew. “Keep walking,” I growled.
She faced the front and walked. But her steps suddenly lengthened: three quick strides and she was pulling away from me, fading into the darkness. I saw her body tense, ready to run—
I lunged forward, grabbed the rope that bound her wrists and jerked her back. She stumbled against me, her damp hair fragrant under my nose, that perfect ass bumping my groin. “Slow down.” My tone told her that I knew what she’d been about to try.
She craned around and glared up at me, then tossed her hair back from her face, flouncing like a teenager caught trying to sneak out of the house. “Chyort! You want me to walk, you want me to not walk. Make up your mind!”
I stared into those frozen blue eyes. The perfect, warm curve of her ass was cozied up against my cock, which was helplessly swelling and lifting. I tried to take a deep, calming breath but all I got was her scent, that softness of flowers calming me and, underneath, the tang of berries tempting me in. I opened my mouth but all of the words in my brain had suddenly decided to fly away on vacation. So I just scowled instead.
She pouted, which only made my cock harder. “Do you even have a plan?”
“Of course I got a plan. Now walk. And stay with me, or I’ll put a fucking leash on you.”
She glared, but walked on at a nice, steady pace. And that gave me a chance to think.
What exactly was my plan? When I’d jumped from the plane, I hadn’t had one. I’d just known that I couldn’t lose her.
I frowned. Couldn’t lose her as a prisoner. That’s what I meant.
I tried my radio, without much hope. All I got was static: the others would have gone out of range within a minute of me jumping out of the plane. I checked my phone and cursed: it was dripping wet. I’d have to let it dry out before I risked switching it on and even then, it might not work.
I looked down at myself. I was soaked through and, now that the adrenaline of the chase and the fight was wearing off, I was getting cold. We were lucky that it was September: in January, we’d both have frozen to death, running around in wet clothes. Even so, I was starting to shiver as the temperature dropped and the wet cloth pulled all the heat from my body.
I looked around at the darkened forest. I had no idea where we were. I wasn’t even a hundred percent sure which state we were in, though I was guessing West Virginia.
I tried listening but there were no voices or music that might mean a campsite, no distant rumble of traffic that would lead us to a highway. This part of the US wasn’t an empty wilderness, I knew we couldn’t be that far from some sign of civilization but I had no idea which way to go to find it.
We walked in grim silence for a half hour but, eventually, I had to face facts. We were soaked, cold and exhausted. This was a big forest and, moving carefully in the darkness, we weren’t going to reach the edge anytime soon. It was so dark that there was a real chance one of us would put a foot in a rabbit hole and twist their ankle or break something: especially Tanya, who wouldn’t be able to use her hands to catch herself. There was only one thing for it.
“Stop,” I told her. “We’re going to have to camp. Get some rest and carry on when it’s light.”
She didn’t protest. From the relief in her eyes, she was as tired as I was, even if she’d never admit it. I could hear rushing water somewhere close by and I followed the sound until we came out on a river bank. There was enough room to light a fire without setting the whole forest on fire and we could boil water from the river and drink it: it was as good a place as any. I looked downstream and cursed under my breath. Less than fifty feet away was a cliff and when I cautiously peeked over the edge, I saw the river arc down in a waterfall as high as a two story building. Vertigo made me go queasy and I quickly stepped back. Good thing we stopped. The cliff had been right in our path.