Page 50 of Her Deadly Promise
‘Yes, Poppy is fine, in fact, she’s doing so well, I’m having to give her more challenging books to read. She’s such a delightful child to teach.’
Candice beamed with pride, knowing that all the extra time spent reading and doing basic counting and sums had paid off. ‘Is that what you want to speak to me about?’
The teacher shook her head and began glancing back at the school gates, her eyebrows furrowing. ‘William’s mum isn’t here yet and that’s strange as she’s usually on time. I’ve just tried to call her but there’s no answer. I know that you’re authorised to collect William and you’ve often taken him home.’
‘So, you wondered if I’d drop him back?’
The woman checked her watch. ‘I’d be able to wait longer on a normal day, but I have an urgent dentist appointment.’ She rubbed her cheek and grimaced. ‘I need a filling and I don’t want to miss it. Can’t bear to spend another minute in this pain.’
‘Of course. I pass Nadia’s on my way home. In fact, I was going to her house after school so it would be a pleasure to drop him off.’ She wasn’t intending to go anywhere near Nadia’s but that didn’t matter. She wasn’t about to leave William waiting and she wanted to check on Nadia.
‘Thank you. In the meantime, I’ll leave Mrs Anderson a message telling her that William has left with you. We’re all really sorry about Billie, and poor Kayden losing his mum like that,’ the woman said.
Candice felt herself choking up. ‘I still can’t take it in. We all miss her so much.’
Mrs Hallam pressed her lips together in a sympathetic smile. ‘If you see Kayden, please tell him that we are all thinking about him. The children are making him some cards, which I hope to send to his grandparents soon. So sad. Anyway, I must head to my appointment.’ The teacher flinched and held her cheek again before walking off in pain.
Candice wiped her watery eyes before turning back to the children. She couldn’t let them see her like this. The last thing she wanted was for them to be upset. ‘William, Poppy, let’s go.’ The boy and Poppy hurried over. Candice ruffled his hair and smiled. ‘Your mum is running a bit late, so we’ll drop you home.’
‘Yay,’ he yelled as the two children ran to the car.
Several minutes later, Candice pulled up on Nadia’s drive. Her car was parked up at the side of the garage, but Ed’s car wasn’t there. She stepped out and unclipped the children. William ran to the door and immediately knocked. There was no answer. He lifted the letter box and yelled, ‘Mummy,’ at the top of his voice. His bottom lip came over his top lip as they all waited.
Candice stepped in front of the snug window and peered through the glass, flinching as Fluffball jumped onto the ledge. That’s when she spotted the pile of cat mess on the carpet. She stepped in front of William and knocked again. ‘Kids, can you wait in the car?’
‘Where’s Mummy?’
‘I’m sure she’s just popped out or maybe she’s in the garden. Can you both wait in the car while I check?’
‘Race you to the car,’ Poppy shouted as she sprinted. Candice watched as they both got back in. She walked around the huge house, peering in through the hall window and the dining room window. No sign of Nadia or Ed.
The garden gate was open like it quite often was. She pushed it and followed the side of the house until she reached the garden. Slowly creeping to the side door that led to the utility room behind the garage, Candice grabbed the door handle and exhaled. She hated just walking in. ‘Hello,’ she called out. ‘Nadia? Ed?’ Fluffball darted towards her and hissed before running out of the house. Candice flung herself back and gasped as her back hit the wall. The cat had scared the life out of her. It wasn’t normally that unfriendly.
Her footsteps echoed on the kitchen floor. ‘Hello.’ The garage door was wide open. Glancing back and forth, she remained still, listening for anything or anyone but all she could hear was the hum of the fridge. With a trembling hand, Candice pressed the light switch and stared open-mouthed at the writing in red on the back wall. BITCH had been scrawled in capital letters and there was blood smeared underneath and droplets on the catalogues that were strewn everywhere. Sprinting as fast as she could out of the front door, she leaned over the bonnet of her car and tried not to look at Poppy and William. The last thing she wanted was for them to see the alarm in her eyes. With a sick feeling churning in her stomach, she called the police. ‘I need to speak to someone, now. It’s my friend and there’s blood everywhere.’
Gina sighed as she watched the minutes ticking away. It was getting ever nearer to teatime and still Brock was pleading ‘No comment’ all the way. The suspect’s solicitor cleared his throat and whispered to Brock.
A damp patch had formed under each of the solicitor’s armpits, spreading outwards on his baby-pink shirt. ‘My client wishes to make a statement, and that’s all he’s going to do today. I’m requesting a short break so that I can discuss this with him.’
Jacob pressed the stop button on the tape after announcing the time. Gina and Jacob walked the solicitor and Brock to a private room, while they loitered further down the corridor. She waved a handful of paper under her chin, but it gave barely any relief from the intense heat and still air. ‘I guessed he was going to go no comment all the way. We’ve arrested him on suspicion of murder, kidnap of his son, assault of Mr Reeves and perverting the course of justice. We need to get to the bottom of Billie’s murder. Did you see his eyes when I mentioned that he had opportunity and motive? He’s been caught lying about so many things. When he saw the CCTV from the pub, he looked defeated. I wish we had forensics back from that bloodied toy in his car. It would solve a lot right now. Everything seems to take so long.’ Gina clenched her fist. Waiting was one of the most frustrating parts of the job.
‘Given his charges, guv, he’s not going anywhere for the time being.’
‘True. His solicitor can make a plea for bail, but all Brock will get is cosy in a cell tonight and until his case is heard. Fingers crossed that we get the blood results through soon.’
Jacob leaned against the wall. ‘I’ll check again with Bernard when we finish with Brock. See if I can bump it to the top of his list, along with everything else that needs doing urgently.’
The solicitor stepped out of the room; lips pressed together while he took confident strides towards them. Brock followed with his chin down as he dragged his feet towards the interview room. He pulled up his shirt and began to nervously scratch at the burn scarring on his stomach.
‘Let’s find out what he has to say.’ Gina took her seat in the corner opposite Brock and his solicitor, and Jacob sat beside her and picked up a pen from the table. Gina threw the batch of paper on the table, knowing that the heat was about to get turned up. She pressed the fan on while Jacob introduced them all for the tape, along with the time and date. The papers flapped every time the fan rotated. Gina grabbed her bottle of water and placed it on top of them.
The solicitor loosened his grey tie and twitched his bulbous nose. ‘My client has given me a statement to read out.’
Gina raised her eyebrows and stared at Brock, but the man was still looking down, trying his hardest not to give anything away.
‘Okay, go ahead.’ Gina leaned forward.