Page 11 of Riding Mr. Right
He pinches his lips together and shakes his head. “When I was young, everything was so extreme. I had to smother her while I was away on tour. I had to get so jealous when she lived her life back in the states. I had to quit the service to be with her. But I also had to freak out when she shared her concerns about everything I was doing and saying. I was too immature for a woman like your mom, so when I came back and we had already called it quits, I thought I was doing the best thing for both of us by moving on.”
I reach for my father’s hand and squeeze. Maybe Brick is right. Maybe we’re all doing the best we can, and maybe that doesn’t always make sense to everyone, but it doesn’t change the fact that the intentions are good. It doesn’t change the fact that we’re all just people on a rock, floating through space, trying to make things work.
“Everyone okay in here?” Brick steps into the room with Chap at his side. With the two of them next to each other, they look like bodyguards coming home from the late shift at the bar. I think the leather helps.
Chap leans in next to Arnie. “What do you need, man? Can I get you anything?”
“Nah,” My father looks toward me, “I think I’ve got everything I need right here. You guys take this young lady with you, please. Get her fed and rested. I’ll make everyone an apology breakfast in the morning.”
Chap grins. “There’s no reason to apologize, but I’m not going to say no to a big breakfast. Especially if you’re cooking.” He turns toward Brick. “Why don’t you get our guest here back to the lodge. I’ll sit with Arnie until they’ve discharged him. Tell the guys to head out too. There’s nothing else to see tonight.”
Brick nods and reaches for my hand, tucking it into his as we make our way toward the door.
“Actually, can I have a second alone with Brick before y’all take off?” Arnie grins. “I can’t let him leave with my daughter and not have a proper conversation about it first.”
Given the fact that I’ve never had a father, and acquiring one at twenty-four is strange, I laugh at Arnie’s comment. Though, it’s a little heartwarming at the same time. When I turned sixteen, I imagined fantasy dad sitting me down and giving me a long lecture about boys, the appropriate time to kiss them, and how they most definitely won’t buy the cow if they’re getting the milk for free. At least that’s what they all say on TV.
I wonder what Arnie would’ve told me. I wonder what he’ll tell Brick. I wonder how weird it is, that after only one day with these people, I never want to leave.
Chapter Six
“You like her, don’t you?” Arnie sits up in bed and stares toward me with a grin. Given we’re nearly the same age, and we’ve been friends, good friends, for years, I’m not sure how to handle this.
“I do. Are we weird now? You know, because you’re her father… I guess.”
He laughs. “Are you expecting me to get angry and swing an axe in your direction? You do look a little old for her.”
“That’s a fact. No joke. But when she talks, everything makes sense. Everything. It’s wrong, it’s abrupt, it’s strange, and I’m not sure if any of it makes sense, but I also know I can’t stop myself. That’s weird, right?”
He looks toward the ceiling as though the answers are painted in the tiles. “I don’t know if it’s weird or not. You’re a good dude, but you’re not really the kind of guy I’d want a daughter to be with. That said, I’ve seen you be a good person, when you want to be, and she seems to know what she’s doing. I only ask that you don’t hurt her… ever. That’ll really piss me off. She’s been through so much already.”
“Fuck no. The second I met her, I wanted to protect her from everything. That’s also weird, right? How does someone genuinely fall that fast? How can I know I need her in my life already?”
Arnie shrugs. “I told Jewel the same thing a second ago. When you know, you know. Trust it. I didn’t, and I regret it every single day.”
For a second, the filthy thoughts of Jewel against the wall in the cabin flutter through my mind. Her hair wrapped up in my hand, her breasts pressed against my chest, her silky sweetness dripping from my fingertips. My cock throbs with anticipation of holding her again, pressing into her, making her mine.
“Where’d you go, man?”
“Fuck, sorry. Lost myself for a second there.” My face flushes red. I’m going to need to stop doing that, especially in public, and especially in front of her father. “Yeah, I can’t imagine my life without her.”
He nods. “Then get her home safe. Okay?”
I nod and lean in for a hug. I can’t imagine what Arnie is feeling. He’s been a loner for years, but I’m not sure that was planned. He’s always struck me as the kind of guy who missed out on something rather than the kind that likes his solitude.
“You can head back in, Chap.” I tap him on the back as I stride past and toward the girl I can’t stop thinking about.
“Be safe up the mountain. It’s a dark night. We don’t need anymore hospital visits.” He laughs.
“Got it. See you guys at the lodge in the morning.”
Chap nods as I take Jewel into my arms, holding her tight against my frame. She fits perfectly. Her head just beneath my shoulders, her hair tangled in my arms, her thick hips just right against mine.
“Are you sure you want me to go back to the lodge with you? I can stay at the hotel right in town. My stuff is still—”
“I’m sure. Anxiety runs in your family. We know that now. I wouldn’t want you to be alone tonight.” I grin and squeeze her tighter.