Page 27 of Never Again
“It’s just that,”the small woman that had pouted until he let her climb onto his back so that he could carry her began with a heartfelt sigh while Quinn cut through the woods, resigned to his fate, “I really can’t help but wonder about those knife throwing abilities of yours.”
“What did I tell you that I would do if you started interrogating me again?” Quinn asked as he adjusted his hold around her legs while he made his way down a small incline.
“That you would tie me to a tree and leave me as an offering to the first ravenous bear that came by,” Bailey said, not really sounding all that concerned as she propped her chin onto his shoulder and released another heartfelt sigh. “I’m afraid that I’m really going to need an answer.”
“You really are a pain in the ass,” Quinn bit out as he carried her over a small stream and back up an incline.
“A pain in the ass that’s going to need an answer,” Bailey pointed out.
He should dump her in that stream, Quinn thought as he glanced back over his shoulder and-
“I still can’t swim,” Bailey murmured, correctly guessing where his thoughts had gone as he felt her shrug against his back.
“Believe it or not, I already figured that out,” Quinn drawled as he carried her through the woods.
“And those knife-throwing skills that might come in handy?”
“I thought you didn’t need a bodyguard,” Quinn reminded her as he made his way back to the old trail that led back to the house.
“I don’t, but I still like knowing my safety options,” Bailey murmured while he checked the woods and trail, looking for any signs that they had company.
“Fine. I can throw a knife,” he admitted, hoping that it would be enough to get her to-
“Have you ever had to save one of your clients before?” came the immediate question that let him know that she wasn’t planning on dropping this anytime soon.
Sighing heavily, Quinn said, “Yes.”
“Have you ever lost a client before?”
“Why aren’t you wearing a bulletproof vest?” Bailey asked as he felt her pull her hand back and-
Forced him to bite back a groan when she ran her hand over his chest to make sure, leaving him to wonder if he’d lost his fucking mind.
“Because you’d only take that as a challenge,” he drawled, only to feel his lips twitch when she murmured, “I really would.”
“Ever been shot?” came the question that he should have seen coming.
“Yes,” he said, sighing heavily as he headed back towards the house.
“Right shoulder, abdomen, and thigh,” Quinn said, hoping it would be enough to-
“Is that why you left the Marines?”
-make him fucking sigh.
“No, it was time to move on,” Quinn said as he spotted the small cabin through the woods.
“That answer’s vague,” Bailey pointed out.
“It’s the only answer that you’re going to get,” Quinn said, deciding to cut across the woods instead since it would get them to the cabin faster.
Bailey was quiet for a moment and he could honestly say that he’d never been more thankful for anything in his life. He adjusted his hold around her legs and-
“You have no idea why you left, do you?”