Page 3 of Never Again
“You little brat,” Quinn bit out, moving to go after her when he found his path blocked.
“You’re not getting back on without a ticket,” the conductor said, gesturing for him to get out of the way.
Never taking his eyes off the little brat, Quinn absently nodded as he stepped out of the way, swearing that he would make her pay for this one day.
Present Day
Haven Technologies Building
“They never get enough jelly donuts,” came the sadly mumbled words as the small, plump woman wearing a name tag with “Security” written in bright pink magic marker along with a smiley face stared helplessly down at the box of donuts on her lap as Quinn shifted his focus to the receptionist shoving a handful of popcorn in her mouth as she stared down at her iPad before he decided that he’d seen enough.
“I’m here to see Miss Thompson,” Quinn said, taking in the old candy factory that had been turned into the offices for Haven Technologies, from the original bricks to the large freight elevator in the corner and all the modern technology that had been tastefully blended in before shifting his focus back to the receptionist that was still staring down at her iPad.
“Miss Thompson doesn’t see anyone,” she said, not bothering to look up as she shoved another handful of popcorn in her mouth.
“She’s expecting me,” Quinn said, even as he couldn’t help but wonder why he let Tristan talk him into taking this job.
“A woman that doesn’t see anyone is expecting you?” she asked, sounding bored as she shifted to get more comfortable in her chair.
“Yes,” Quinn said before asking, “Are you going to let her know that I’m here?”
“No, but what I will do is call security,” she said as Quinn glanced over his shoulder at the small, plump woman sitting by the door to find her swallowing hard as she whispered, “Please don’t make her call security.”
Sighing heavily, Quinn returned his attention to the woman determined to ignore him and reached over the counter and grabbed her iPad. Ignoring her outraged gasp, Quinn said, “Call Miss Thompson and tell her that Quinn Jackson is here to see her.”
“My iPad…” the secretary mumbled sadly as she watched Quinn turn it off and place it on the counter.
“Call her,” Quinn said more firmly as he stared her down.
Nodding, she kept her glare locked with his as she said, “Pam.”
“Oh, God, no…” came the weakly murmured response from behind him.
“Take care of him,” the receptionist said smugly as Quinn slowly turned his head to find Pam standing behind him, gesturing weakly towards the glass doors as she opened her mouth to say something only to think better of it, close it, swallow, clear her throat, and make a sound that was somewhere between a whimper and a sigh.
“I’m afraid that I’m going to have to ask you to leave,” she finally managed to get out only to immediately follow that up with a mumbled, “Please don’t kill me,” as she looked up at him, her gaze locking on the scar above his eyebrow.
“Is Miss Thompson upstairs?” Quinn asked with a pointed look at the freight elevator to his right.
“No?” Pam mumbled weakly as she began worrying her bottom lip between her teeth as she sent a pleading look at the receptionist, who was now gesturing for Pam to get on with it.
“And if I decide to go have a look to find out for myself?” he asked, watching as she began wringing her hands together.
“Please don’t do that,” she mumbled weakly.
Nodding, Quinn gestured towards the elevator as he said, “Let’s go find her.”
“Let’s not,” Pam said, shaking her head frantically.
“I’m afraid that’s not an option,” Quinn said as he made his way to the elevator and pressed the call button as the two women began frantically whispering behind him.
“I really can’t let you do that,” Pam said, sounding panicked as Quinn pushed the gate open and stepped into the elevator.
“Which is why you’re coming with me,” Quinn said, gesturing for her to join him.