Page 30 of Never Again
“Is that what I’m doing?” the incredibly handsome man sitting across from her murmured.
With a heartfelt sigh, Bailey said, “I’m afraid it is.”
“How do you figure?” Quinn asked as he opened the other can of Coke and took a sip.
“Because I’ve seen it before,” she said with a solemn nod, only to pause mid-nod, grumble, and reach up and shove the sleeping bag back when it began sliding down over her face.
“Have you now?” Quinn asked, sounding really amused for some reason.
“I really have,” Bailey assured him.
“Care to share?” he asked, moving to put his Coke down only to rethink that decision when he noticed that she was watching the move closely.
“I would, but I’m going to need another s’more,” Bailey said, gesturing for him to get on with it as she popped the last bite in her mouth.
“Fair enough,” Quinn murmured as he took another sip and set the Coke down, making sure to send her a look of warning as he did, and grabbed another marshmallow. “Start talking.”
Nodding, Bailey said, “Just as soon as I know that you’ve mentally braced yourself for what’s to come.”
“I’ll do my best,” he drawled, gesturing for her to get on with it.
Knowing that there was no point in putting this off, Bailey said, “I’m irresistible,” with a nod and another grumble when the sleeping bag began sliding down again.
“Clearly,” Quinn said as he finished making her s’more and handed it to her. “Anything else?”
“You have to know how this ends,” Bailey said with a sad shake of her head as she was forced to reach up and grab hold of the sleeping bag to stop it from getting in the way of tormenting the large man that had this coming.
He never should have come between her and her technology needs.
“How’s that?” Quinn asked, sliding another marshmallow on the stick as he watched her.
“Not good,” Bailey said with a sad shake of her head. “Not good at all.”
“That’s what I was afraid of,” he said, nodding as he took his time toasting the marshmallow that was going to taste delicious in her next s’more. “And you’re basing this on what exactly?”
“My research,” she said, watching as he made quick work of making another s’more before she held her hand out for more.
“And by ‘research,’ do you mean watching that overrated movie that you kept pausing so that you could stare at me?” Quinn asked as he placed the s’more in her hand and-
Left her swallowing hard when his fingertips brushed against her skin when he pulled his hand back. She watched as his normally cold gaze became heated as it locked on her and…just as quickly turned cold again as he dropped his hand away. Wondering what was wrong with her, Bailey focused on the s’more in her hand as she cleared her throat and said, “That’s exactly it.”
“Are you going to leave me in suspense?” Quinn drawled, picking up the Coke that should rightfully be hers.
“Are you going to share that Coke?” she countered.
“Start talking,” he said, gesturing for her to get on with it.
“If you must know,” Bailey began, only to feel her lips twitch when he said, “I must.”
Clearing her throat, she said, “I’ve broken this down for you.”
“That will make this easier,” Quinn murmured, gesturing for her to get on with it with the Coke.
“First, and remember, this is based on my extensive research, you got talked into taking a job that you didn’t want,” Bailey began as she held up one finger and took a bite of the delicious treat that was helping her focus. “That, of course, was followed by dealing with a client who didn’t believe that she needed help, a vicious attack that left me clinging to life and-”
“You startled Pam when you stood up and ran towards the wall as she swung the bat,” Quinn pointed out as he reached down and tossed another log on the fire.