Page 33 of Never Again
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Bailey said, earning a glare because they both fucking knew what she was doing.
“You’re evil,” Quinn bit out as he turned his head so that he could glare at the little brat that decided that sitting on the floor next to the couch was the best place for her to work instead of on the bed.
“Because I’m making it easier for you to protect me?” she asked, continuing to type away while he lay there, glaring at the back of her head.
“By annoying the hell out of me?” Quinn demanded, deciding that he’d had enough for one night and turned his head, refusing to play this game.
“Is that what I’m doing?” Bailey asked, trying to sound innocent.
“You know damn well what you’re doing,” he bit out as he lay there, thinking about that moment when Bailey got her hand on the ax and-
He decided to think about something else.
“Do I?” Bailey asked as the little brat gave up her spot on the floor and decided to climb onto his back.
“Comfortable?” Quinn drawled as she shifted to get comfortable on his back.
“This will do,” Bailey murmured with a sniffle and another wiggle.
“God, you’re fucking evil,” he said, burying his face in his pillow as he waited for her to grow bored and move on.
“Which is why you should bring me home to save yourself,” Bailey said with a forlorn sigh as though making his life a living hell somehow pained her.
“Not fucking happening,” Quinn said firmly.
“Are you sure about that?”
* * *
“Is something wrong?”came the pleasantly murmured question that had Quinn’s hands pausing mid-rub down his face so that he could glare at the little brat that kept him up all night by explaining in minute-fucking-detail all the ways season eight ofGame of Throneshad let her down.
He just…
God, he couldn’t fucking take it anymore.
When she wasn’t talking his ear off, she was fucking with his head, watching him from across the room, taking in his every move as she sat there quietly, looking thoughtful and it was fucking disturbing. He’d been through some of the most difficult military training in the world run by men who took a great deal of pleasure in breaking men and women until they fucking begged for mercy, but none of them, not one fucking one of them, had ever left him feeling this unnerved before.
She just…
There were no words to describe the small woman that was fucking with his head. He honestly didn’t know how her brother put up with her, but he had a feeling that Nathan struggled not to spank her ass. She-
“So, I was thinking,” Bailey said with a heartfelt sigh that had his eyes narrowing on her as he watched her climb off the bed and forced himself to stay where he was as she made her way towards him.
“That you were evil?” Quinn bit out, only to end up biting back a grunt of pain when the little brat dropped down on his lap like it was the most natural thing in the world, something that she’d been doing more and more lately.
“I honestly don’t know why you’re so cranky,” Bailey said with a satisfied sigh as she settled more comfortably on his lap.
“You’ve kept me up for two nights straight,” Quinn bit out even as he wrapped his arm around her, and Christ, it felt so fucking good to hold her. It was something that he could easily see himself becoming addicted to her, which was a problem because she was the last goddamn woman that he should need this fucking much.
Haven Technologies’ Building
Two Days Later