Page 50 of Never Again
She had to admit that she was anything but fine at the moment.
“I’d be better if you stopped coming between me and caffeine,” Bailey pointed out with a long-suffering sigh that had his lips twitching despite the fact that he was losing his fucking mind.
“Not happening,” Quinn said, wondering what the hell was wrong with him as he found himself once again staring at her lips and-
“I need to get back to work,” Bailey said, blinking up at him.
“Yes, you do,” Quinn murmured as he forced himself to focus back on the reason that he was here.
“Which means that I don’t have a lot of time to waste, so if you’re going to kiss me, now would probably be the best time to do that,” Bailey said, nodding solemnly as she gestured for him to get on with it.
“That’s not really an option,” he said, but God, did he want it to be.
“Who says?” Bailey asked, watching him curiously.
“You’ve only got thirty days to pull this off, Bailey,” Quinn said, giving them both the reminder that they needed that they had a job to do.
“And I’m wasting time,” Bailey said, sighing heavily as she turned around and headed back towards her office.
After one last glance around the quiet office, Quinn followed her as he thought about just how fucking much he wanted to kiss her. God, what the fuck was he doing, he wondered as he watched Bailey walk into her office and sat down, only to get right back up again when she looked down at her phone. At his questioning look, she said, “I’m needed downstairs,” as she walked past him and headed for the elevator.
Nodding, Quinn followed her to the elevator only to glare when she said, “You don’t have to come with me,” as he reached past her and pushed the gate open.
“You’re not going anywhere without me,” Quinn reminded her as he waited for her to step into the elevator.
With a shrug, Bailey said, “Okay, but you should probably be prepared to be bored out of your mind,” as she stepped inside and found a spot against the back wall and focused on her cellphone.
“What’s going on?” Quinn asked, closing the gate behind him as he joined her.
“There’s a glitch in the code and it’s locking out members from one of the levels,” Bailey said absently as she frowned down at her phone. “This doesn’t make any sense.”
“What doesn’t?” Quinn asked as he watched her push away from the wall, her attention never leaving her phone as she reached past him and pushed the button for her loft along with the new code that he gave her.
“I need to get my laptop,” Bailey mumbled as she read through her texts again.
“You want to tell me what’s going on?” Quinn asked, watching her frown deepen as she quickly sent a text and-
“I think something bad is about to happen,” Bailey said as she looked up from her phone and met his gaze just as the elevator came to an abrupt halt and the lights began flickering.
“Why would you say that?” Quinn asked, pulling out his gun and pushed her back against the wall as he stepped in front of her and shifted his attention between the escape hatch above them and the gate separating them from her apartment.
“A couple of reasons,” Bailey said, shifting behind him.
“Mind telling me what those reasons are?” Quinn said, keeping his eyes on that gate as he pulled his phone out and-
“For one, my cellphone signal just completely disappeared, but that’s not what tipped me off,” Bailey mumbled softly.
“Then, what did?”
“Well, besides the fact that level one-ninety hasn’t been released yet, I have no idea who sent this to me,” Bailey said as Quinn shoved his phone back in his pocket and reached back.
Without a word, Bailey slipped her cellphone in his hand. After running his gaze over her dimly lit apartment as the lights continued to flicker, Quinn shifted his attention down to her cellphone and felt his stomach drop when he saw the message waiting for her just as the lights finally went out.
Game Over.