Page 69 of Never Again
“Is there a reason why you don’t want Quinn to know?” Nathan asked, moving to take his phone back only to have the little brat walk away as she focused her attention on his phone and began tapping away.
“Because I don’t trust him,” Casey mumbled absently as she dropped back down on the couch, still tapping away.
Sighing heavily, Nathan got to his feet and moved to grab his phone back when she took him by surprise. “Your phone has been cloned,” making him frown.
“That’s impossible,” Nathan said, moving to grab his phone back when she shifted it out of his reach, her gaze never leaving his phone as she did whatever the hell it was that she was doing.
“And yet, it is,” Casey murmured, frowning down at whatever she was looking at.
“I had Kelly check it. It’s fine,” he said, once again reaching for his phone.
“Then, she screwed up because this phone has definitely been cloned,” Casey said, shaking her head in disgust as she turned his phone over and took out the SIM card.
“You really expect me to believe that?” Nathan asked as she tossed his phone back to him.
“I honestly don’t care what you believe, but I’m not about to let you do anything that would put Bailey in danger,” Casey said as she got up and made her way to his kitchen.
“I would never do anything to put my sister in danger,” Nathan bit out as he watched her toss the SIM card down the drain and turn the garbage disposal on.
“Then, we’re on the same page,” Casey mumbled absently as she made her way back into the living room and straight for his laptop.
“I already had that checked,” Nathan said as he watched her break into his computer a hell of a lot faster than Bailey ever did, letting him know that he’d underestimated her.
“By…” Casey said, letting the word trail off as she focused on whatever she was doing.
“Kelly,” Nathan said, watching as she slowly nodded at whatever she was looking at.
“What else did she check?” Casey asked, throwing him a questioning look.
“Why?” Nathan asked, wondering what else he didn’t know about her.
“Because someone’s been watching your every move,” she said, pointing at the small green light on his laptop and-
Aw, fuck.
“Well, as much fun as this has been,” Casey murmured absently as she slowly took in the small hotel room that the man who’d clearly lost his mind dragged her to, “and this has been fun, I’m afraid that I have to be going now.”
With that, Casey moved to grab her backpack, only to have the man who’d been pacing back and forth in front of the small bed, ramming his fingers through his normally meticulously combed hair as he continued yelling at whichever unfortunate individual was on the other end of that call, step in front of her and block her from going anywhere. When she moved to step around him, Nathan shifted to block her again and held up his hand for her to wait.
Really not in the mood for any more bullshit tonight, Casey regally gestured to her phone and said, “You can keep the phone,” and once again moved to step around him.
When he shot her that glare that he’d used on her at his apartment right before he decided to take her to a secondary location, or would this be considered a third location? Casey absently wondered, only to shrug it off, deciding that she’d had enough for one night. Decision made, Casey adjusted the bag over her shoulder, turned and climbed onto the bed and quickly made her way across the bed, climbed off it with a satisfied sigh and-
Found the large man who was really starting to annoy her once again standing in her way. When he narrowed those dark eyes on her that she always found incredibly sexy, Casey released a heartfelt sigh as she gestured for him to get on with it. Muttering, “I’ll call you back later,” to whoever he was talking to, Nathan hung up the phone and tossed it on the bed.
“You’re not going anywhere,” Nathan said, getting straight to the point, which she appreciated, she really did, but since that wouldn’t work for her…
“I really am,” Casey said, reaching over to grab her phone, only to have the big jerk that was really starting to annoy the hell out of her grab it before she could.
“You’re staying,” Nathan bit out evenly with a look that told her that he was done talking about it.
Unfortunately for him, that look didn’t work on her.
“See you around,” Casey said, sighing heavily as she pulled her backup phone out of her bag and headed for the door as she debated her next move.