Page 74 of Never Again
She was so beautiful, Quinn thought as he raised his head and took her mouth in a slow, hungry kiss that had Bailey moaning softly as she followed him as he laid his head back down on the pillow. As soon as he felt her breasts pressed against his chest, he was running his fingertips over her, taking his time running his fingertips along her spine before flattening his hands against warm, soft skin and ran them down to her generous ass as she slowly rode his cock.
Every slow roll of her hips had him groaning as the move caused her tight sheath to squeeze his cock. It had been a long fucking time since he had sex, but he knew that it had never felt like this before. It had never left him struggling to lose his fucking mind and no woman had ever felt as good as Bailey did in his arms.
Just being near her was addictive.
He’d never experienced anything like it before. Every time he was near her, Quinn felt himself relax and when he touched her…
Christ, it was like nothing that he’d ever felt before.
He loved the way that she teased him, the way that she dropped down on his lap like it was the most natural thing in the world to do, but he loved the way that she felt in his arms more than anything. He never knew that it could feel this good to touch a woman before, Quinn thought as he ran his fingertips over her back before he wrapped his arms back around her and rolled her onto her back again.
Before her back touched the mattress, Quinn was moving, rolling his hips as he broke off the kiss so that he could watch her as he moved. His eyes locked with hers as he felt her sheath tighten around him, tearing a groan of pleasure from him as he watched her breath catch, and-
Realized just how fucking lost he’d be without her.
Haven Technologies Building
“Good morning, Pam,” came the absently murmured greeting as Casey walked through the front door.
“Good morning,” Casey said with a nervous smile, easily slipping back into the role that she’d been playing for the better part of a year and helped herself to a donut from one of the many boxes lining the receptionist desk as she glanced back at the large security guard manning the front door that had given her a dismissive nod a moment ago to find him once again looking bored.
Deciding that it was now or never, Casey shifted her bag over her shoulder and made her way to the elevator, where she found a spot in the back, her gaze never leaving the front desk as she waited for the gate to close, praying that no one tried to stop her. When the gate finally closed a moment later, Casey took a bite of her donut and couldn’t help but wonder how long she had before Nathan sent security after her.
Then again, she was surprised that she’d been allowed to step foot in the building. She’d expected security to be waiting for her, but for whatever reason, Nathan hadn’t warned them, which she appreciated at the moment. It also meant that she really had to move her ass before he realized that she was here and-
God, what the hell was wrong with her? Casey found herself wondering as she took another bite of her delicious donut. She couldn’t believe that she’d cried. She never cried. But last night, once she’d started, she couldn’t seem to stop. She wasn’t sure how long she’d cried in Nathan’s arms, but she remembered when she woke up to find his arms wrapped tightly around her.
She just…
Casey didn’t know what she was thinking, but somehow, she’d found herself turned around in his arms, watching him sleep, unable to help but notice just how incredibly handsome he was. When that wasn’t enough, she found herself running her fingertips along his jaw, enjoying the feel of light stubble teasing her fingertips before she forced herself to drop her hand away and climbed off the bed.
Ten minutes later, she was dressed and forcing herself not to look back as she walked out of that room and kept going. She stopped by the motel room that she’d been renting, packed the rest of her stuff, grabbed her laptop and debated breaking into Haven Technologies network remotely, only to decide against it.
The only way that she was going to be able to pull this off was by being here so that she could hide her activity and since she was currently supposed to be working as Bailey’s incompetent assistant, she was going to be creative with how she spent the next few hours. As she debated between hiding in the supply closet or taking her chances and breaking into Bailey’s apartment, the elevator stopped on the first floor and the man that she’d been hoping to avoid stepped inside.
Damn it!
Taking another bite of her donut, Casey dropped her gaze to the floor as she discreetly stepped to her left behind two men from accounting and then slowly started to make her way around them towards the elevator doors, deciding that she was going to have to go with Plan B when she felt a large hand wrap around her arm, stopping her.
Biting back a heavy sigh, she allowed Nathan to pull her back as she went to finish off her donut, only to have the jerk pluck the donut out of her hand and finish it off in one bite. He didn’t say anything as the gate closed, and she didn’t expect him to. When the elevator reached their floor, Casey moved to follow the small crowd off the elevator only to have Nathan give her arm a warning squeeze that had her staying where she was.
As soon as everyone was gone, Nathan reached over and quickly typed in his code for Bailey’s apartment, making sure to keep his hold on her. Wondering how this was going to end, with the police or shouted threats, Casey slowly exhaled as she ran every possibility through her head until she realized that she had two choices, the stairs by the elevator or the backstairs that was now heavily secured.
Since she didn’t have time to screw around with the security system right now, Casey settled for the stairs by the elevator. Decision made, she stood there waiting until they reached their floor, making sure to stay relaxed as Nathan opened the gate and-
“We don’t have much time, so whatever it is you’re going to do, do it quickly,” Nathan said, taking her by surprise when he released her arm and quickly made his way around the apartment, checking the rooms while she stood there, watching him.
“You’re fine with me breaking into Haven Technologies?” Casey asked, needing to make sure that they were on the same page.
“If it means keeping my sister safe,” Nathan said, checking the bathroom door before he glanced back at her, “then do it.”
“Consider it done,” Casey said, not needing to be told twice, she pulled her laptop out of her bag and quickly made her way to the couch, praying like hell that this worked.
* * *
This had to fucking work,Nathan told himself as he rammed his fingers through his hair and-