Page 8 of Never Again
“I figured that out on my own,” Bailey mumbled absently as she found herself watching the very large man who looked a lot bigger than he had the last time that she saw him level a glare on her as he made his way back to the elevator to grab a box and-
Was that a gun? Bailey found herself wondering when he leaned over and she saw what looked like a holster.
“Look, I need a favor,” Nathan said, drawing her attention to find him sitting there, slowly exhaling as he watched her, looking as though he was trying to figure out how to proceed from here.
“Would you like to share with the rest of the class?” Bailey asked, blinking at him as she waited for a good reason why he thought moving the man who was most likely going to kill her one day into her apartment.
“I need a favor,” Nathan finally said, clearly trying to buy time.
“You said that already,” Bailey pointed out as her attention shifted to the stack of napkins on the coffee table next to him.
“I need you to give him a job,” Nathan said as she picked up the napkins she’d made notes on earlier.
“And why would I do that?” Bailey asked as she frowned down at her notes.
“Because he’s my cousin,” Nathan said with a heartfelt sigh that had her slowly looking up from the notes on the napkins to look at him, taking in everything from his black hair, dark tanned skin, dark brown, almost black eyes before she looked at Quinn and noted his black hair, golden tan, and grey eyes and said, “You’re Native American.”
“And?” Nathan demanded, not quite able to meet her eyes as he shifted nervously, something that he’d been doing since they were kids and he didn’t want to tell her something.
“He’s not,” Bailey pointed out, unable to help but wonder what he was trying to hide from her.
Frowning, Nathan said, “You don’t know that.”
“I really do,” Bailey assured him, not bothering to mention that she grew up with Quinn and knew his family since it would only distract the man that was lying to her.
Nodding, Nathan said, “He’s my cousin on my father’s side.”
“He’s Native American, too,” Bailey said, watching as he moved to rub the back of his neck before he realized what he was doing and immediately dropped his arm, knowing that it would give him away.
“You don’t know everyone in my family,” Nathan said evenly as he moved onto the glaring phase, no doubt hoping that she would let this go.
She wouldn’t, but then again, he already knew that.
“You’re my brother, dumbass. Your parents adopted me when I was fourteen,” Bailey pointed out, matching his glare because now she knew without a doubt that he was hiding something from her.
“Which is why you owe me,” Nathan said with a heartfelt sigh and a helpless shrug that had her rolling her eyes.
“You already used that today to get the last donut,” Bailey said with a sad shake of her head as she returned her attention back to her notes, debating the best way to test this code.
“And it was delicious, but now, I’m using it again. I need you to give him a job.”
“We don’t have any openings right now,” she said, knowing that had never stopped her from hiring someone before, but she was more than willing to use that excuse if it saved her now.
More than willing.
“Security,” Nathan said, making her frown.
“We already have someone working in security,” Bailey pointed out, shoving the blankets aside as she stood up and moved to head to the elevator so that she could get back to work only to go still when Quinn, who hadn’t stopped glaring at her since she woke up, stopped what he was doing and moved to do the same.
Throwing Nathan a questioning look, her brother cleared his throat and said, “Pam’s not working out.”
Swallowing hard, she watched the way that Quinn’s cold eyes watched her and…
Decided that it was time to get answers.
“You didn’t tell me that you were her brother,” Quinn said, really fucking wishing that he hadn’t seen that file.