Page 93 of Never Again
When they reached the gates, Nathan rolled to a stop in front of the security panel, taking in the red light flashing beneath the keypad before glancing at the monitor and noted that it had what his sister would have called “Smurf screen.”
“Blue screen of death,” Casey noted as she followed his gaze.
“Do me a favor,” Nathan began as he focused on the winding road ahead.
“What’s that?” Casey asked, sounding distracted.
“Stay in the car,” Nathan said as they came around the last curve and spotted the large house ahead.
“Not a chance in hell,” Casey said, already moving to close her laptop.
Tightening his grip around the steering wheel, Nathan bit out, “I’m not fucking kidding.”
“I didn’t think you were,” Casey murmured conversationally as he pulled up behind the SUV that Jakob lent to Quinn.
“Stay in the car,” Nathan repeated as he pulled to a stop and-
-snapped when the little brat that was going to get her ass spanked shoved her door open and climbed out before he could stop her.
“Wow, she really loves her job,” Jess said, shaking her head in wonder as she watched Casey head towards the large house, leaving him to curse under his breath as he moved his ass.
In a matter of seconds, he was making his way up the stairs and reaching for Casey’s hand just as the front door opened. “Nathan, to what do I owe the pleasure?” Tristan drawled as his cold gaze locked on Casey.
“You didn’t answer your phone,” Nathan said, watching the way that Casey met Tristan’s gaze head-on.
“How did you get past the gate?” Tristan asked as he stepped aside.
“It’s wide open,” Nathan said as he tightened his grip around Casey’s hand when she tried to pull her hand away.
“That explains a few things,” Quinn said, drawing his attention to find the asshole that had a lot of explaining to do leaning back against the wall with his gaze locked on something across from him, drawing Nathan’s attention and-
“Please tell them that I had nothing to do with this, Nathan!”
-found himself looking at the last person that he’d expected to find here.
They were going to have words.
A lot of them, Bailey decided with a firm nod as she stood there for another minute, glaring at the locked bedroom door that Quinn disappeared through a few minutes ago before she decided that it was time to take matters into her own hands.
She was done playing this game.
Hoping that whoever was behind this left something behind that she could use, Bailey grabbed Quinn’s laptop and debated her next move. She could use it to access Haven Technologies’ server, something that she really didn’t want to do remotely, or she could go take a closer look at that virus.
Decision made, she grabbed her backpack and shoved his laptop in it before making her way to the bedroom door. Once she was there, Bailey sent a silent apology to her ass for the spanking that she would be receiving once Quinn found out that she’d left the room and-
He loved her, Bailey thought, unable to help but smile as she stood there, adjusting her backpack over her shoulder as she slowly exhaled with a firm nod. She needed to stay focused, figure out who was behind this and then…
Then, she would let herself panic, but for now, it was time to get to work. Releasing a shaky breath, Bailey stood there for another minute, listening for any signs that Quinn was coming back, and when she didn’t hear anything, she decided that it was now or never.
A moment later, Bailey unlocked the door, listening intently for any signs that she wasn’t alone as she opened it slowly and glanced out into the hallway, making sure the coast was clear before she quickly made her way down the hallway and backstairs that led to the kitchen. Once she reached the bottom of the stairs, Bailey released another shaky breath, double-checked to make sure that the coast was still clear and headed across the large kitchen, only to turn right back around and head back to the fridge, deciding that she was going to need some liquid courage to help her get through this.
Once she had a Coke stuffed in her backpack and one in her hand, Bailey made her way across the kitchen, turned left down the small hallway, and when she reached the last door on her right, she cracked open the Coke and took a fortifying sip. That was followed by a second sip, a nod, and another sip, knowing that this wasn’t going to end well as she let herself back into the office.
A few minutes later, Bailey had everything that she needed laid out on the large oak desk, from Quinn’s laptop to the lovely selection of thumb drives that she kept hidden in her bag along with a few wires. With a satisfied sigh, she connected his iPad to his laptop before sliding the thumb drive that she was going to need for this job into its slot.