Page 17 of Accidental Daddy
“Well, that was fun,” I offer once it’s just Maria and me in the classroom.
“Yeah, I think the kids liked it,” she replies, but doesn’t seem to want to make eye contact with me as she tries to busy herself with some of the papers on her desk.
I narrow my eyes as I stare at her, knowing she can feel me watching her and trying her best not to react to it. But sooner or later, she’s going to have to acknowledge the elephant in the room.
Moving closer, I step behind her desk until I’m standing next to her.
“Maria,” I say, forcing her to stop what she’s doing but still not getting her to look at me.
“Yes?” she answers, trying her best to keep her voice from wavering, despite her obvious discomfort.
“What are you doing?” I ask.
“What do you mean? I’m just cleaning my desk,” she says, but her voice cracks a bit at the end, telling me she knows exactly what I mean.
Not trying to beat around the bush, I ask, “Do you regret what we did the other night?”
While I may get an answer I don’t want to hear, knowing seems a lot better than not knowing. At least then, I’ll know if I’m putting my job in jeopardy for a woman who has zero interest in me.
She seems to be contemplating her answer before letting out a deep sigh that causes her shoulders to sag as she finally looks up at me.
“No, I don’t. It’s just . . . I don’t know. Weird? How am I supposed to act?” she says, becoming progressively more flustered as she talks.
Reaching out my hand, I let it rest against her flustered cheek. At first, she seems to still, but I’m pleasantly surprised when I feel her lean into my touch.
“I mean, act however you feel is right. But I’m telling you now, I don’t regret what we did, even if it wasn’t the best move for my career,” I explain, watching as she winces.
“Yeah, I imagine this isn’t what my dad had in mind when he signed you up for this,” she jokes, and a smile of my own overtakes my face as I watch one grow on hers.
Taking another step closer, I raise my other hand and rest it on her other cheek. My head moves slowly toward her, giving her the chance to withdraw. But she doesn’t, and I’m able to press a soft kiss to her lips, something I’ve been craving since I left her apartment the other night.
Pulling back, I whisper, “Let’s take things slow.” I need her to know I’ll go at whatever pace she’s comfortable with. Because I don’t plan on pulling back, her father’s wishes be damned.
Her, “Okay,” does more for me than one would imagine a simple word like that could.
I can’t help the large grin on my face, knowing that she’s comfortable taking these steps with me.
“Let me take you out this weekend,” I request, watching as Maria tries and fails at stopping another red-faced smile from forming.
I lean down and pepper a few kisses across her cheeks, never seeming to get tired of how easily flustered she gets.
“Okay. You can take me out this weekend,” she says confidently, unable to hold in her giggles at the feeling of my lips against her skin.
As I look into her eyes, I see no doubt or fear about what it is we’re doing. She seems to want to explore what could happen just as much as I do, and I can’t wait to be the one to walk her through it.
As much as I love how shy and innocent she can be, I’m absolutely enamored at the prospect of helping her break from her shell.
“When you said you were taking me out, I thought you meant to have another dinner,” I shout over the loud music as we enter the club.
Blitzmust be the last place I’d want to spend a Friday night. Music that’s too loud, people packed wall-to-wall, and sticky floors have never been my scene.
Frankly, I thought we were going to walk past this place. But as we approached the brightly lit neon sign, I soon understood what Tyler meant by taking me out this weekend.
Though, I can’t be too disappointed. We are on a real date. The thought makes me giddy despite my disdain for party scenes.