Page 41 of Accidental Daddy
Of course, that was his takeaway.
“It was embarrassing,” I grumble as I watch my kids meander into the AI exhibit.
“I don’t know, I kind of like the fact that even five-year olds know you’re mine,” Tyler proclaims, sneaking a quick kiss onto my cheek before picking up his pace to go and join the kids.
We’ve explored the first level and some of the second level before it’s time for all of us to have lunch.
When everyone meets back by the entrance, Alex points out that there is a pavilion in the back that we can use for our break. It’s the best way to accommodate everyone, so we lead all of the kids there. They scatter with their lunch boxes to begin eating their meal.
The adults stick with their groups, trying to engage the kids in what they saw while inside the museum. I try doing the same as I begin eating my lunch, but a feeling in my stomach stops me.
While I woke up feeling a little nauseous, I didn’t get sick, so I didn’t think much of it. As I was packing my chicken salad sandwich, I again felt nauseous but disregarded it, not wanting this to ruin my day.
But now, as I unpack my food and try to eat it, the smell brings that feeling back in full force. I don’t think it’s just nausea this time.
“I need to run to the bathroom,” I rush out, sharing a quick look with Alex, so she knows to watch over my kids before I’m doing a light jog inside to find the nearest bathroom.
And I’m right, as the second I close the stall door behind myself, my breakfast and the little food I managed to eat for lunch all come back up.
The sound of the bathroom door opening again has me cringing, not wanting anyone to see me like this.
“Maria?” Tyler’s voice calls out, and I cringe even more because I especially don’t want him to see me like this.
“I’m fine,” I lie, my hoarse voice indicating that I am definitely not.
It’s only made worse as my body retches again; my whole being heaving as there isn’t anything more to come out but bile.
“Okay, so obviously something’s off,” he says, his shoes appearing under the crack in the stall.
While I didn’t enjoy vomiting, it does settle my stomach somewhat to the point where I think I can get up. I don’t think there is anything else left to come out, and I need to get back to my students before they start to get worried.
“What’s wrong, baby?” Tyler asks, his hands gripping my arms as he stares at me in concern once I’ve finally exited the stall.
“Nothing, I just haven’t been well since I woke up this morning. But I feel a lot better now. Must have been something I ate,” I explain as reassuringly as I can, but the look on Tyler’s face tells me he’s not convinced.
I pull away from him as I walk over to the sink, hoping to rinse my mouth out as best I can. I remember I have gum in my bag, which I left at the picnic tables. At least I won’t have to walk around with a bad taste in my mouth for the rest of the day.
“Maybe you should go home. We can get you a”
I immediately cut his suggestion off.
“No. I am not going home. I’m fine. I promise you, I’m fine,” I say, hoping my voice sounds convincing.
He remains there staring at me, taking in my form as I try not to squirm. I don’t like this unwavering attention directed at me. I especially don’t like it after he listened to me throw up.
“I’m worried about you,” he says, stepping closer. His head tilts down and his bottom lip juts out in a small pout I doubt he notices he’s doing.
It’s adorable.
“Well, don’t be. I’m fine. I promise,” I say, letting my hand reach out to grab his.
I press a small kiss onto his knuckles, hoping it relaxes him. I can’t have him worried. We both need to be focused on the kids.
“Now,” I begin when my lips pull away, “let’s get back out there.”
His feet stay planted as he looks on at me, still trying to assess my well-being. I stare at him imploringly, waiting for him to move on.
Finally, with an obviously exaggerated sigh, he nods again.