Page 58 of Accidental Daddy
The sound of the faucet starting up clues me into what it is he’s planning. A bath does sound divine right now. The warm water will soothe my tense muscles.
He adds bubbles and a few drops of lavender oil as the tub fills up.
“After you,” he tells me as he grabs onto my hand to help me step into the tub.
He follows me in soon after, maneuvering himself to sit behind me, encasing me between his strong legs.
“How about this?” he asks.
“This is perfect,” I tell him, snuggling against his chest as I let my eyes close, taking deep breaths to clear my mind of everything except for the smell of lavender and the feeling of Tyler’s skin pressed against mine.
“I know you’re relaxing, so we don’t have to talk, but maybe we should discuss some things,” Tyler offers, his body stilling as he waits for a response.
As much as I want to disregard everything and pretend that we don’t have a lot to think about, being in this relaxing setting may be the best time to do it. My mind has calmed down, able to consider the trajectory of our lives.
“Okay, throw it at me,” I tell him, preparing myself to answer some serious questions.
“Have you put anymore thought into taking time off from work?” Tyler asks, his hands stroking my stomach under the water.
“I probably will. But I don’t think I want to worry about that just yet. Let’s talk about something fun.”
“Something fun?” Tyler asks, pressing kisses into my neck. “Like what?”
“Like, do you want a boy or a girl?”
He laughs at the excited expression on my lips, but he still ponders the question, an exaggerated thinking expression on his face.
“I think that I just want a happy and healthy baby,” he tells me surely, his arms tightening around me in the tub.
“Me too,” I tell him softly, imagining how it will be holding my child in my arms for the first time.
“Do you think they’ll take after you or me?”
Despite how bad the last few days have been, and how scared and anxious I am at the prospect of becoming a mother, thinking about my child helps to soothe some of my worries.
“I’m not really sure. I hope they have your cute smile and caring heart though,” he tells me, and I can’t help but get all warm and fuzzy inside at the words.
“Stop, you’re making me blush,” I tell him, before adding, “and I hope they have your confidence and fun spirit.”
“I’m sure we’ve made an amazing baby. What we do in the bedroom,” he pauses as he lets out a whistle, “it’s art.”
I laugh at his words, already feeling much lighter than I did earlier in the day.
Turning my head, I press my lips to his, just needing to taste him. My body is melting.
His wet hand comes up to cup my face, his thumb stroking my cheek as his tongue darts out to run along the seam of my lips. It slides inside, dueling with my own tongue.
When I finally pull away, I stare at him in adoration.
“No matter my dad’s feelings, I’m so glad I get to do this with you,” I tell him earnestly.
I know how I feel, and I know how Tyler feels. That and providing our child with all the love in the world is all I care about. And if my dad can’t accept that, maybe he just isn’t the man I thought he was.
“What your dad has said to you is wrong. There’s nothing stupid about being in love,” he tells me sternly.
My dad calling what we’ve done stupid was deeply hurtful. But I know the truth; what we have is beautiful.
“I know it’s wrong. And as much as an apology would mean to me, I can’t let his words affect my ability to prepare for our baby,” I reply, not wanting Tyler to worry about me any longer.