Page 7 of Accidental Daddy
Jared chuckles at the mention of my fifteen-year-old sister.
“Monica’s still a handful.”
“Well, at least Maria’s cute. It’ll give you something nice to look at,” Jared offers, trying his best to find a silver lining in any situation.
“But to make it clear,” I begin, thinking back to my conversation with Tom, “I’m not going to hit on her. In fact, I was explicitly warned not to.”
“By her dad?” Jared asks, intrigued.
“Yes. He told me loud and clear,hands off,” I explain, the conversation having been quite uncomfortable as he had pulled me aside in his office while Maria was still there. It’s not the type of talk you want to be having with your boss under any circumstances.
Though, Jared isn’t wrong. Maria is cute. Both in her looks and in the fact that she seems quite prickly when it comes to guys being into her.
“I find the whole innocence thing insanely hot.”
“See,” Jared says, pointing to the smile on my face. “You’re into her.”
“I am. But it doesn’t matter.” I roll my eyes at the thought. “Her dad would kill me. Plus, she’s kind of a prude.”
“So what?” Jared asks, as if confused by my comment. “You just need to loosen her up some.”
Loosen her up some? It would probably be easier to make ten grand in the next hour. Maria doesn’t seem interested in the slightest in beingloosened up. But then again, it couldn’t hurt to try, right?
“You know what they say,” Jared continues, pausing for dramatic effect, “the quiet ones are always the freakiest in bed.”
I scoff at his words. “And that’s my cue to leave.”
I begin to clean up my trash.
“Think about it,” he calls out at my back as I head out.
I don’t say anything, shooting him a middle finger behind my back before the door closes between us.
Returning to the office, I psych myself up to power through the rest of the day. While I’m able to take longer lunch breaks, it’s contingent on me being able to finish my work. I usually eat a quick meal in my office, so when I meet up with Jared, I really need to put it into overdrive unless I want to stay late.
That had been my plan, but as I sit at my desk, I realize it may be harder to concentrate than I thought.
The quiet ones are always the freakiest in bed.
While nothing about Maria screamed “freak in the sheets,” sayings like that exist for a reason. Even if she weren’t, I’m sure if I had a shot with her, I’d be able to pull her out of her comfort zone.
I shake my head. I can’t think about my boss's daughter like that. Even worse, I have to work with her once a week, aroundchildren. Letting thoughts of her in my bed cloud my mind is a no-go.
But how can I possibly make them disappear? I’m only a man, and Maria’s easy rejection of me only made her more tempting.
The mere thought of her squirming as I got close to her in the elevator has my mind reeling. I know she tried her best when it came to keeping up her stoicism, but I could see the way my presence affected her.
I’m not sure yet how.
But I can’t help that I want to find out. While I shouldn’t be so hung up on the idea of tainting the purity that seems to radiate from her, I am.
Did her body get as hot as mine got when I was close to her? Was she trying to make it stop, not knowing what to do about the growing wetness between her legs? Do I have that effect on her?
I’d love to find out.
I need to stop. Most likely, she doesn’t like me in the slightest. But even the chance that I could somehow make her body yearn for me, despite her efforts not to let that happen, has me stiffening in my slacks.
The rest of my time at work seems to go exactly like this. My mind wanders to Maria, I chastise myself to get back to work, I am able to finish one thing, then my mind again goes back to Maria. It’s a never-ending cycle that slowly drives me crazy.