Page 10 of Fiancé for Hire
And if he was, that meant that he could read hers. Was that why he was smiling at her now?
“Are you psychic?” she blurted and after a beat, he burst out laughing.
“No,” he said, still chuckling. “You looked nervous, and I thought a shot of tequila would help us—”
“I think I love you,” she said without thinking. “I mean…um, I’m kidding.” She leaned in and whispered. “For real, I’m kidding.”
Now he was laughing harder, and Antika felt some of the tension ooze from her body. She couldn’t help but laugh along with him at how she’d gotten herself all worked up. But it wasn’t every day that you had lunch with a man this fine who had graced the covers ofPeople Magazineand a host of other periodicals.
The moment seemed surreal, and she could barely wrap her brain around the fact that this was really happening. She was sitting next to a famous model with hopes of him being her plus-one for a few upcoming events.
After dating so many frogs, how was this suddenly her life?
The server brought their drinks and promised to return shortly to take their orders.
When Drevon lifted his shot glass, Antika did the same.
“To starting over,” he said.
“To starting over,” she echoed.
She slammed back her drink, then cringed as the harsh burn of liquor slid down the back of her throat and heated her whole body.
“Whew! That was strong,” she choked out and coughed a little to clear her throat.
Drevon didn’t look as if the drink affected him at all. He was skimming his menu. So she did the same while trying not to let it show that the shot almost knocked her out of her seat.
Antika decided what she wanted to eat just as the server returned. After placing her order, she stole glances at Drevon while he placed his. Soulful dark-amber eyes, smooth skin, and a full beard. A beard that appeared fuller than it had less than twenty-four hours ago. She loved a man with facial hair, and she wanted to run her hands over Drevon’s to see if it was as soft as it looked.
And those lips.Good Lord. Full. Sultry. Kissable. Those were only a few adjectives that popped into her mind at the sight of them. What she wouldn’t give for just a taste of…
Whoa! Stop!
What the hell?
How had her thoughts gotten that far out of hand?
She chastised herself as she looked anywhere but at him and her nerves started crackling. This was supposed to be a business meeting of sorts, but in this moment, if felt like so much more.
But right now, she needed to be cool and act like she was used to being around a hot guy.
When the server strolled away, he gave Antika his full attention.
“I owe you an apology,” she said, trying not to fidget under his intense dark gaze. “I was way out of line yesterday, and I’m sorry for the way I behaved. I assure you that wasn’t my norm. Sadly, to say, I wasn’t at my best when we first met. Between nervousness about signing up for an escort service and just having a rough day, I unfortunately took my frustrations out on you. I hope you’ll accept my apology.”
Instead of responding, he searched her eyes. For what, she wasn’t sure, but then a slow smile kicked up the right corner of his tempting mouth and she melted.
Whew! This man…
“Apology accepted,” he said. “I’m curious, though. You’re a very beautiful woman. Why did you need to sign up for At Your Service?”
Antika released a long sigh.
Oh, great. Start with the hard questions.
Antika stopped herself from groaning, knowing her reason for hiring his services would make her look pitiful. Yet, she felt it was important to be as transparent as possible.