Page 31 of Fiancé for Hire
His gaze bounced between her eyes and her lips. All it would take was for him to lower his head, or for her to lift slightly for their mouths to touch.
Was she thinking the same thing?
He wasn’t sure, but he rarely deprived himself of what he wanted. And right now, he had to taste her again.
Before he could talk himself out of it, he kissed her. She didn’t resist, and that was all the encouragement he needed to keep going. Their connection was like nothing he had ever experienced before, and he wanted the moment to last forever.
He remembered thinking yesterday how sweet she tasted. That hadn’t been a fluke, and he was pretty sure it had nothing to do with the Moscato wine she’d drank earlier. He had a feeling that every part of Antika was sweet and gratifying, and he looked forward to tasting every inch of her.
As his tongue explored the inner recesses of her mouth, Drevon savored every moment. The woman, the kiss, and their nearness stirred something inside of him that had laid dormant for far too long.
But as that thought penetrated his mind, so did another one. They were in the middle of a dance floor. He might’ve been used to being in the public’s eye, but he wasn’t sure if Antika was ready for that—especially with the engagement hanging over their heads. And in the days of cell phone cameras, he never knew when a photo would show up on social media.
Drevon released a low groan, hating to end what he’d started, but knowing he needed to. With one last peck, he eased his mouth from hers.
As he stared down into her lovely face, Antika slowly opened her eyes. The dreaminess that he saw in them let him know that she’d wanted that as much as he did. She smiled and it was as if the sun was coming out after a thunderstorm.
Yeah, we’re definitely doing that again.
After another slow song, the DJ picked up the pace and City Girls “Good Love,” blared through the speakers.
“Yeah!” several people yelled, and folks came from every direction, swarming the dance floor.
Disappointed, Drevon reluctantly released Antika, and she took a step back. He could’ve held her all night long, and it still wouldn’t have been enough. But when she started rocking her hips and shimmying to the beat, he got over himself.
Talk about surprises. The way she was shaking her fine ass, twirling, and gyrating, it was clear she liked the song. What was also clear—his date; no, his fiancée—had a little freak in her, and Drevon was here for it.
All of it.
Innocent, my ass. Gone was the innocent woman he thought he’d had pegged, and in her place was a spirited vixen. She was singing along with the lyrics, dipping and swerving her luscious body. But when she turned around, put her hands on her knees, and started twerking, Drevon almost lost his shit.
“Ahh, hell yeah!” he whooped and moved in behind her and started jamming right along with her.
For the next thirty minutes, they grooved with all the other party guests, and danced to one song after another. Drevon’s mind was blown when a popular rap song blared through the speakers, and Antika started rapping the lyrics.
Damn, this woman was full of surprises!
At first, he thought that maybe that had just been a song she liked. It might’ve been, but when she rapped along with another song, and yet another one, he knew he was in love. Okay, maybe not really, but damn close.
He couldn’t remember the last time he’d had this much fun, and to think, he almost didn’t take on the assignment. It definitely would’ve been his loss.
“Okay. Okay. That’s it for me,” Antika finally said, panting as she dabbed at the perspiration on her forehead with the back of her hand. “That was fun, but I need some air.”
Drevon agreed. With his fingers linked with hers, he guided her out of the nearest exit.
They weren’t the only ones who’d had that idea. Groups of people stood in the wide, carpeted hallway talking and laughing, some with food and drinks in hand. Still, the area wasn’t as crowded as it was in the ballroom. And the best part—no one seemed to notice them.
He glanced around until he spotted a slightly hidden alcove near a back exit.
“Finally, I have you to myself,” he said when they reached the secluded area.
Antika turned to face him and placed her hands on his chest, and Drevon’s arms automatically slid easily around her waist. They might’ve only known each other for a short time, but the energy pulsing between them was more powerful than anything he’d felt in a long time, if ever.
“You shocked the hell out of me with your dance moves,” he said. “And that City Girl performance was worthy of a music video.”
Antika laughed and gave him a sweet but shy smile. If her skin was lighter, he would’ve witnessed her blushing.