Page 37 of Fiancé for Hire
Tamera:Hey sis! You’re famous! BTW, I hope you’re getting some good loving and not reading your text messages.
Drevon cursed from the other side of the bed, his fingers flying over the keyboard of his phone as he responded to text messages. Each time a new one came through, he’d curse again.
Several minutes ticked by before he glanced her way, a sympathetic expression on his face.
“I’m sorry, baby, but welcome to my life.”
Antika felt like she and Drevon were really engaged. He’d done more for her in the short time they’d been together than her husband did the whole two years of their marriage. Granted, she and Patrick had practically been kids back then, but still. She now realized what a good man looked like.
After flying first-class, they’d landed in New York an hour ago. From the moment he picked her up from home, Drevon had been attentive to her every need. Now, they had just arrived at his condominium in midtown Manhattan.
“Here we are. Home sweet home,” he said, pushing open the door for Antika to enter.
She strolled in, leaving him behind as he carried in their luggage. The first thing she noticed was the floor-to-ceiling windows and the ten-foot ceilings. Drevon owned a corner unit with a wraparound terrace, and even standing at the entrance, she could see tall buildings everywhere her gaze landed.
Antika moved further into the unit and glanced around the ultra-modern space that was decorated in black, gray, and white with splashes of light blue. The kitchen might’ve been small, but it contained top-of-the-line appliances, white quartz countertops, and black and white flooring that looked like an art piece. Due to the open concept, the kitchen, tiny dining space, and living room could be seen from where she was standing inside the entrance.
“Oh, Dre, this is lovely.”
“Thank you. I’m glad you like it,” Drevon said, setting their luggage inside the master bedroom door.
With only one bedroom, they’d agreed that she would take the bed, and he’d sleep on the sofa that pulled out into a sleeper. Antika hated the idea of taking his bed, but there was no way they could share a bed and not have a repeat of last weekend.
“The place isn’t large, but it serves its purpose,” Drevon said.
He had explained that he used to be in New York more often when he was modeling full-time, and it made sense to have a place in the city. Now that he was freelancing, he moved around the world more, but he wasn’t ready to give up his condo.
When Antika made it across the room to the wall of windows, she made a beeline to the terrace door. They were on the thirtieth floor, and as she stepped out onto the terrace, giddiness bubbled inside of her.
The traffic noise, people bustling about below, hurrying to get to their destinations, and the light breeze kissing her cheeks had her wishing she could stay there forever.
“Now, this is city living,” she said to Drevon who stood beside her. Two comfortable-looking chairs and a small table were the only items out there. But it was the view that had her wishing she could afford to buy a place in the city.
“What do you think?” Drevon asked, his hands resting on the railing as he looked out over the city.
“I think I want to move here and live happily ever after.”
He laughed, but she was serious. She had always loved the city’s energy and being there with Dre was like the icing on top of a red velvet cake. If she ever got the opportunity to relocate to New York, she was going to go for it. It would be hard leaving her family and Tamera, but they could always visit.
“What do you want to do first?” Drevon asked. He moved behind her and pulled her against his body.
“Hmm, let me think.”
Antika shamelessly loved when he held her close, even when they weren’t putting on a show for others. Yes, she feared that she’d catch feelings for Drevon.
Actually, she was already crazy about him, but no way would she allow herself to fall for him. She couldn’t afford to, but she had to constantly remind herself of that fact.
After their intimate night together, she had told him that it was a one-time thing. They had to keep their relationship platonic to make sure neither of them got in too deep.
It might’ve been too late for her, but she was keeping her feelings to herself. Drevon was an amazing man, and she loved being in his presence. But neither of them was looking for anything serious. At least that’s what Antika told herself.
After her company’s big celebration, she planned for them to go their separate ways—make a clean break. They’d break off their engagement and tell everyone that they’d decided to just be friends.
While that sounded like their best option, Drevon wasn’t completely on board. He didn’t want them to cut all ties. He insisted they should maintain their friendship, but Antika knew herself. Dre was one of those guys—she couldn’t be friends with him. She would always want more.
Since they couldn’t come to an agreement, Drevon made her promise to keep an open mind and not to do anything rash. She almost laughed in his face considering that was exactly what he’d done to get them into this situation.