Page 53 of Fiancé for Hire
“Oh, my God.Pregnant.”
She wasn’t sure how long she stood there staring at the word before she shook herself. She had to tell Drevon.
Trying to stop her hands from shaking, she wrapped the test in a wad of toilet paper, then washed her hands. Heart pounding, knees shaking, she finally left the bathroom and made her way down the stairs. All the while debating on how to tell the man she loved that they were having a baby.
We’re having a baby.
Part of her was thrilled, but the other part was freaking the hell out inside.When she reached the bottom step and turned the corner, Drevon glanced at her and smiled.
“Hey, I was thinking…but hear me out before you say no,” he said, placing a pasta dish in the center of the banquette table. “I know it’s been tough to pick a wedding date, but I want you as my wife. Since our engagement was spur of the moment, let’s do the same with our wedding. Let’s just do it. You’re moving in next Saturday, how about we get married next Sunday?”
He lifted his hands out in front of him when she opened her mouth to speak.
“I know it’s crazy, but neither of us want a big wedding. We’ll have something nice, simple, and quick with our family and a few friends. We can have a light meal catered, have cake, and live happily ever after.”
Antika’s heart felt as if it would beat out of her chest. “Umm, okay.”
Drevon set Italian bread and vegetables on the table then looked at her. At first, he was smiling, but then concern showed on his face. “What’s wrong?” He hurried across the room to her and cupped her face between his large hands. “If you don’t want to get married, I’ll understand. As long as I have you, I—”
“I’m pregnant,” Antika blurted. She whipped the test from behind her back and shoved it against his chest.
Drevon dropped his hands from her face and grabbed the blob of tissue just before it slipped from Antika’s fingers. She swallowed hard as he stared down at the tissue as if afraid to see what was inside.
When his eyes finally met hers, it was as if he didn’t recognize her.
Antika’s heart sank. After things fell apart with Patrick, she had given up on the idea of having a family. But now her life was different. It was perfect. She had a man she adored, and she wanted this baby. More than anything, she wanted to raise this child with Drevon.
He pulled out the pregnancy test and stared at it. “You—you’re pre—pregnant?” His gaze bounced from her face to her stomach and back to her eyes again that were now filling with tears. “Are you sure?”
“According to that stick in your hand, that claims to be ninety-nine percent accurate, yes.”
More silence.
“Dre, I’m sorry. I’m not sure what or when—”
“Yes! Whew!” He roared and did a fist pump while leaping in the air then started walking aimlessly around the kitchen. “We’re having a baby!We’re having a baby!”
Antika covered her mouth with her hands and let her tears flow. Seeing him happy made her heart squeeze as excitement bubbled inside of her.
As if suddenly remembering she was in the room, he rushed to her and wrapped her in a bear hug.
“After you agreed to be my wife for real, I didn’t think I could get any happier.” His deep voice was filled with emotion. He leaned back, cupped her face again, and shook his head. “Knowing that you’re having my baby…Antika, I can’t even express how happy that makes me. I love you so damn much, it feels like my heart is going to explode.”
Antika swiped at her eyes and chuckled. “I know the feeling, and I love you too.”
Drevon captured her lips in a heated kiss that made her toes curl, and joy surged through her body. She never knew she could experience such joy.
And to think, it all started with hiring a man.
Next Book In The Series
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Also, be sure to check out the other books in the Men for Hire Series listed below.