Page 33 of Mason
That was a filler question to get me talking. “Probably not for a while. I’ve been hanging around with Sophia at the Slayers’ clubhouse.”
“Oh yeah? What’s that been like?”
“They’re an interesting bunch of men. They love to ride their motorcycles, drink at their private bar in the clubhouse, and mix it up with rival clubs. All of them are so predictable. It’s just like in the movies really.” I was supposed to let it slip that they are still at odds with Twisted Metal MC. Since they’re the only other club in the vicinity, I considered that mission accomplished. Using top secret coded messages was nowhere near as fascinating as they make it out to be in spy movies.
I continued to deliver the misinformation Storm and Steel wanted Don Diavonte to hear about the number of brothers in the Dark Slayers MC and the number of men guarding the clubhouse. I dropped in a personal observation that the Dark Slayers seemed to have quite a bit of internal strife going on—obviously Nicco knew this wasn’t true, and it was purely for the benefit of Don Diavonte should he or one of his men be listening in. “The brothers don’t seem to get along very well most of the time.”
Storm and Steel were convinced that hiding their numbers and making the club seem like it was beginning to break down would lead our don to believe their club was becoming isolated and weak. They seemed convinced that if he overestimated their vulnerabilities, he might send less men if he thought they were grossly incompetent.
“Listen, Aprilia, be careful when you’re at their clubhouse. Stick right by Sophia. I don’t trust those bikers. They’re a bunch of low-class, trigger-happy assholes who think with their dicks. They drink way too much when they should be on the lookout for trouble from that rival club. If things go bad, follow Blade’s lead. As long as you are with his wife, he’s not going to let anything happen to you.”
I yawned quietly behind my hand. Nicco had gotten the message that we were minimizing the Slayers’ strength. What he said sounded good and played right into the story we were weaving. “Yeah, of course I’ll be safe, babe. Don’t worry about me. Things here are super relaxed.”
His voice turned sharp. “Aprilia, pay fucking attention to what I’m saying. Stay alert for trouble. You never know when something might happen.”
Annoyance crept into my voice. “I heard you the first time. Stop being paranoid. These men are in their own little world and don’t drag any of their conflict with the rivals back to the clubhouse with them.”
“Fair enough. It’s just that I worry about you.”
“I spend most of my time with Sophia and Eleanora. I’ll be just fine.”
We said our goodbye and I ended the call.
On the way to the shower, I felt an ache between my legs from having so much sex. It didn’t bother me in the slightest. I loved the physical reminder of all the enthusiastic sex we’d shared. As steam filled the shower and warm water cascaded over me, I thought about our impulsive marathon sex session. I probably shouldn’t have done that because it was making an already complex and potentially dangerous situation exponentially more complicated. I vaguely remembered the nice prospect who prepared our food yelling at Mason through the door. I never really considered myself a troublemaker, but I was causing all kinds of trouble right now.
Even now, Mason was facing the consequences of allowing himself to get close to me. I didn’t want him to get chastised by Storm or punished for making all my wildest dreams come true. I decided to get dressed and head downstairs to back him up.
Within fifteen minutes I was bounding down the stairs, ready to jump to Mason’s defense. I raced through the main bar area.
As I moved closer to Storm’s office, I could hear them talking through the closed door.
Storm’s surly voice really carried, leaving no question about his hot take on our situation. “What the fuck is wrong with you, Mason? You’ve turned down every bunny in this club and were none too nice about it. You can’t seem to get a date in the community to save your fucking life because you don’t trust any woman, but jump on the one who’s a member of the fucking mafia? You’re technically fucking the enemy. How does that even begin to make sense?”
“I like her, and I don’t think she’s our enemy. Like I said before, I don’t think she’s really engaged to Nicco.”
“I don’t give a fuck whether their engagement is real or not. We agreed that no one would touch her. You disobeyed a direct order and are coming at me with a bunch of nonsense about feelings to justify putting your cock where it shouldn’t have been. The last thing we need is for Nicco to think you coerced his soon-to-be blushing bride into your bed.”
“She came to me. Aprilia was the one who pulled my shirt up and wanted me to get naked.”
“Save that bullshit for someone more fucking gullible than I am,” Storm flung back angrily.
Mason lowered his voice. “I gave her a choice and she chose me. Even if it costs me my cut, I’m not giving her up.”
Storm’s voice turned panicked. “Be fucking reasonable. How long do you think the two of you would last out there without the protection of our club? You’d be dead within a day and Nicco would lock his lovely fiancée away for a nice fucking long time.”
“I’m not sending her back to him if she doesn’t want to go,” Mason insisted, stubborn as ever.
My heart squeezed to hear him defending me so staunchly. He was starting to look a lot like my personal hero.
“You can’t trust her, Mason,” Storm gritted out. “She’s mafia through and through. She was raised by a mobster and associated with those brutal fuckers her whole life. Her old man was loyal. She’s always been loyal. Even now, she’s not trying to get away from the organization. She’s just trying to help the Russo brothers take over.”
“You don’t know that,” Mason replied weakly.
A long silence spun out between the two men.
Finally, Storm got right to the point. “If what you say is true and they aren’t really engaged, then she came here under false pretenses and lied to our faces. Do you really want to share your bed with a mafia princess who feels totally comfortable straight up lying to you? That doesn’t sound like the brother I know, who would burn in the fiery pits of hell before he lied to the people he supposedly cares about.”