Page 5 of Mason
“We want to send you to Griffinsford. It’s a small town a few hours from LA. Don Diavonte has been trying to get a foothold in that town forever.”
“I don’t want to end up in the middle of a mob war.”
Nicco leaned forward in his chair. “Yeah, you do. Let me tell you why. First of all, my sister is there. Second of all, Don Diavonte is agreeable to you going there under the pretense of visiting your lifelong friend.”
I gasped. “Your sister is there? I thought she ran off with some biker.”
His eyes narrowed. “No, she was a peace offering between my family and the Dark Slayers MC, the foundation of an alliance that will never be broken.”
I jumped back on the bed so far, my back hit the wall. “You traded Sophia away like a piece of chattel? Why in the hell would I trust you or have anything to do with you knowing you did something like that to your own damn sister. Nicco, no. Just get the hell away from me.”
Nicco’s voice turned cold. “Aprilia, stop panicking and pay attention. We don’t have long before Don Diavonte’s men come for you.”
“Fine. Finish what you have to say and leave.”
“Do you remember my sister’s best friend Eleanora?” I nodded, but he barely waited for my acknowledgement. “She was supposed to marry Don Diavonte’s nephew. He was a scumbag and she left him standing at the altar and ran off with a biker. Sophia helped her escape and in doing so fell for one his friends.”
My mouth fell open in shock. “What in the world? Eleanora and Sophia are really nice. Why would they want to run off with bikers?”
“Good girls always fall for damaged men. It’s like some kind of bizarre relationship dynamic.”
“Bullshit. For both of them to have fallen for hot bikers would have been an astronomical coincidence.”
“Fuck, you’re gonna make me come right out and say it, aren’t you?”
“Say what? None of this makes sense, Nicco.”
“This motorcycle club they belong to is not an outlaw gang. They’re all veterans, mostly war heroes, who got fucked in the head with all the things they saw in Afghanistan. They’re some kind of support group that likes to wear leather and ride motorcycles, near as I can tell.”
The tension in my body uncoiled. “You mean they pretend to be badass bikers the way Diego pretends to be a badass mobster?”
Nicco pressed his lips together as if to keep from laughing. It took him a moment to get a hold of himself, and when he did, his voice was almost amused. “Please let me be in the room when you say that in front of Diego.”
I shook my head. “No sense in causing Diego’s head to explode over nothing. Now, tell me more about what I’m supposed to do in Griffinsford. Does Sophia know I’ll be staying with her?”
“You won’t be staying with Sophia. You’ll be staying in the Slayer’s clubhouse. There’s no safer place in Griffinsford than the home of the Dark Slayers MC. Their two-story building is like a fortress. They’ve not only got electronic security, but at least a dozen strong fighters are on guard duty at all times. They also have a large enough armory on site to hold their own in a fucking civil war. Their guests usually get a private suite upstairs with a solid oak door that locks from the inside.”
“How do you know all that?”
“Sophia had her wedding at their clubhouse. It’s like a posh sports bar in there. Anyway, much like our families, the Slayers are extremely protective of their women.”
“Coming from the guy who traded his sister for an alliance with bikers,” I shot back, only half teasing.
Nicco gave me a sour look. “Like I said, we simply came up with a good reason for our old man to give Sophia up. Trust me, she’s right where she wants to be. Her husband even adopted our younger sister.”
“I didn’t know you had a younger sister?” I’d known Nicco and his family pretty much my entire life. I knew them well—at least I thought I knew them well.
“It’s complicated. She spent most of her time at boarding school. Sophia can catch you up on all that.”
“Going from a private boarding school to living with bikers must have given her culture shock.”
“Not really, she just goes to a private school closer to where they live because she didn’t like the boarding part. Blade takes good care of both of them. Now, back to you and your mission.”
I blinked at him. “I have a mission other than to make myself scarce?”
“Yeah, we’ve told Don Diavonte that you’ll be snooping on their numbers, the layout of their building, and how heavily armed they are.”
I opened my mouth to speak but he cut me off. “I know what you’re going to say. Since my brothers and I have been there, we know all that already. But Don Diavonte doesn’t know that. We don’t want him to have accurate information on the Slayers, so if you get cornered, minimize everything. Our don cannot know their true strength because they are one of our strongest allies.”