Page 50 of Mason
My eyes lifted to his and his hopeful expression hit me right in the heart. I leaned over and gave him a hug and kiss on the cheek. “I love it, but why did you buy me an expensive present for no reason?”
“Oh, there’s a reason, alright. I need to butter you up.”
I plucked the choker out of its case, wrapped it around my neck, and turned so he could secure the clasp. I felt his warm, calloused fingers moving against my neck as he secured it.
I turned back around to face. “Hit me with it. Whatever it is, I can handle it.”
His expression was doubtful. He opened his mouth to speak and then closed it again as if he was struggling to find the right words. My gut told me this was something that Storm had cooked up, something Mason didn’t quite agree with.
“Look, Mason, as long as whatever it is moves us closer to completing our goal of removing Don Diavonte from power, I’ll happily do it. I just want this whole thing to be over as soon as possible. I knew the risks when I came here.”
He was quick to respond, “It’s nothing like that, Rilia. I promise.” My new lover stood from the bed and held out one hand. “Come with me. I have something to show you.”
I eagerly slipped my hand into his and allowed him to tug me to my feet. Within seconds we were in the living room of our suite, and he was holding a plain black leather vest in his hands. It was similar to the one he wore, but clearly designed for a woman. When he turned it around, there was a large patch of a reaper, andProperty of the Dark Slayers MCwas embroidered across the bottom. It was just like the cut that Dusty wore.
I ran my hands across the butter smooth leather and glanced up at Mason. “I’ve seen these on some of the girls running around the clubhouse. Dusty calls it a property cut.”
“Yeah, that’s what it is. Normally, brothers give one to their old ladies as a sign that they’re spoken for. Instead of it saying Property of the Dark Slayers MC, it would say property of whatever brother was her old man. However, we began slapping them on the daughters as a warning to the men in town that they are not to approach them without approval.”
“And does that actually work?”
“Mostly,” he replied. “Except the prospects, or one in particular.”
“Oh, I’ve seen Corey in action. He’s hellbent on making Dusty his wife and it seems as though she’s locked him in her sights as well.”
“Yeah, that’s been the talk of our club for months now. I think that boy’s gonna end up married to her or die trying. Anyway, we wanted it known that you’re under the protection of the Dark Slayers MC, as Don Diavonte seems to have bought the story that you’re spying for him, having you wear a property cut makes it look like we totally trust you.” Something dark shifted in his eyes. “I wanted it to have my name on so everyone knows you’re mine, but obviously that’s not something that’s safe to do right now while the mafia believe you’re Nicco’s fiancée.”
I took a step closer, snagged the cut, and slipped it on. “It fits perfectly.”
He gave me a lopsided grin. “I gave Storm your size.”
I grinned. “Been snooping through my wardrobe?”
He nodded. “Anything for you, cher.” His voice turned husky. “You look good in a Slayer property cut.”
My hand went up to my new choker and I couldn’t help but smile. “I’m feeling kinda cute this evening. How do you feel about going out?”
His expression immediately shut down. “I don’t think that’s a very good idea at all. You’re safer here at the clubhouse.”
“Yeah, but I’m going a little stir crazy. Maybe you can take me to a nice restaurant.” Grinning, I added, “Maybe in a nice neighborhood as opposed to the area I wandered into when I first arrived in Griffinsford.”
He looked doubtful. “I’m not sure Storm would approve of us even leaving the clubhouse.”
“We already left the clubhouse when we went to visit Twisted Metal. Surely, going out to a restaurant in a nice part of town can’t more be more dangerous than fraternizing with an outlaw motorcycle club.”
He frowned and I knew he was having a hard time arguing with my logic.
“Come on, Mason, it’s just dinner. It won’t take long.” I ran my hand up his up his chest. “I’ll come back to the clubhouse with no complaints.”
“I don’t know, cher. My instincts are telling me this is a really bad idea. Why go out when we can stay right here and enjoy voodoo sauce on your perfectly cooked steak?”
I lowered my voice. “Don’t you want everyone to see me wearing my new property cut? If I’m with you, everyone will just assume that I’m yours. It’ll be almost like your name is on the bottom of my cut.”
Mason swore under his breath. “Alright, cher, we’ll go. You know exactly how to work me to get what you want.”
I threw my arms around his neck and pulled him down for a kiss. “I’m looking forward to the day I don’t have beg you to take me out to eat.”
Chapter 20