Page 55 of Mason
“We get to kill them now, right?” Blade asked.
“We’re taking them back to the clubhouse where we can interrogate them properly. I don’t know what shit is going on with Don Diavonte and his men, but if his fucking bookkeeper is running around disobeying his direct orders then the whole organization is on shaky ground. The only real question is if they’re gonna walk out to the van on their own two legs or if we’re gonna knock their asses out and carry them.”
The man with the bleeding shoulder was quick to answer, “I’ll walk out. I’m not looking to get interrogated because I don’t know anything. I’d rather make a deal and get the hell out of this situation.”
Just then there was a knock at the door that I recognized. It was the pattern of knock our club president used. Celt opened the door and Storm strolled in. He frowned at Blade. “You made a fucking mess on the chair.”
Aprilia spoke up as she wiped at the blood on her neck. “He didn’t have a choice. They had to fight to rescue me.”
Blade grinned. “Yeah, boss. I practically had to stab this asshole to rescue her.”
I walked over to Aprilia but spoke to Storm. “We were about to wrangle them all into the van and head for the clubhouse. You good with that plan?”
“Yeah, we’ll see what Nicco and his brother want to do with them.”
“What do those fools have to do with anything?” Chester practically hissed. “You should contact Don Diavonte. He’ll pay whatever ransom you want for me.”
I checked Aprilia’s neck and verified it was just a nick. I couldn’t believe how close she came to dying because of this prick.
“Your don’s dead, Chester. The Russo brothers are in charge now.” Storm said.
The color drained from Chester’s face, but he didn’t want to believe it. “I call fucking bullshit on that. You must think I’m a fucking idiot.”
Storm pulled out his phone and held it up to Chester’s face. “The old man looks pretty damn dead to me.”
I glanced at the screen and saw an image of Don Diavonte lying in a pool of his own blood on the pavement. It was difficult to tell if it was a city street, parking lot, or alley, but his dead-eyed stare was ten kinds of creepy.
“How in God’s name did that happen?” Chester gasped.
“Don’t rightly know at the moment. Let’s get a move on. We’ll sort all this out at the clubhouse.”
Celt and Storm walked Chester out to his van. Blade put a jacket over his bleeder’s shoulder so as not to attract attention and walked him out as well.
Aprilia’s hand closed around my arm more tightly. When I turned, her bravado had fled. I wrapped my arms around her and drew her close. My sweet love always put up a strong front and fell apart after the fact. I needed to always remember that and be sure to take care of her.
“Are you okay, Rilia?”
She nodded against my chest. “Yeah, now that you’re here. I hate Chester with the fire of a thousand suns.”
I rubbed her back, trying my best to soothe her. “Yeah, me too. That stupid bastard is deranged. I’m just glad he didn’t harm you.”
“He wasn’t about to do anything to harm the woman who was going to breed his kids. He kept talking about love and romance, but I knew what he really wanted with those children. I’d rather die than get used by him in that way. I still can’t believe you found me.”
“Thank God we were able to track your phone or it might have taken a lot longer. How’d you end up in the bathroom? Did you lock yourself in there?”
“The moment they opened the door, I ran inside and locked myself in. I hoped there might be a window, but there wasn’t. My phone was in my back pocket where I usually keep it, I guess I was lucky they never thought to check—not that it did me much good as I couldn’t reach it with my wrists bound in front. There was nothing to barricade the door with and I knew it was only a matter of time before they forced the lock when they wanted me out. Chester just let me stay there as he knew there was no way I could escape.”
“It sounds like you were out-thinking them every step of the way.”
“If that were true, I wouldn’t have fallen for their trap in the first place, I’ll think twice before I go to the aid of a puppy.”
“I want to hear all the details, but we should probably get going. They’ve probably loaded the assholes who abducted you into the van by now.”
She pulled back and nodded. “I’m ready to get the hell outta here. I’m riding with you, right?”
“Yeah, I don’t want you anywhere near those idiots.”
By the time we made it outside, the van was long gone, and the only brother left behind to ride with us was Renegade. The long ride home was uneventful. My tires ate up the road as we relaxed and enjoyed the fresh country air.