Page 9 of Mason
We had a look at the three prisoners and picked the one who was the least injured to interrogate first. It made sense to let the others recover as much as possible before we got our hands on them. We wanted them alert and able to respond rather than groggy and preoccupied with their wounds.
We took the first man into the small twelve-by-twelve interrogation room and chained him to a chair. It was soundproofed enough that the others couldn’t hear what we were talking about, but they could likely hear screams.
The guy looked terrified, but he wasn’t fighting back. Storm stared down at him. “You’re the brainless one of the bunch, right?”
“What makes you say that?” he asked.
Storm pulled out a wallet and held it up. “You were the only man out of a dozen who was foolish enough to carry identification.”
Storm popped him on the top of the head with his own wallet. “Well, shit for brains, when you carry your ID and go on a violent crime spree, it makes it easy to figure out who you are. Now, we know your name, address, which bank you use, and who your favorite contacts are because you’re carrying around five business cards in your wallet. What are you, sixty? Who carries business cards anymore?”
“If you have my ID, then you already know I’m nowhere near sixty,” the man responded, sounding genuinely confused.
“Want to tell me who sent you to kill members of my club?”
“I don’t know anything. I was just at the wrong place at the wrong time.”
“If you’re going to lie, at least make it believable,” Storm grumbled. He started pacing in front of the man. “I’m told your cover job is a consultant at a venture capitalist firm. Is that true?”
The man nodded his head.
“That’s a good cover. It’s believable enough because on one knows what those fuckers do anyway. It also has the advantage of you setting your own schedule. Being a consultant frees you up to do as you like with very few questions from people in your life, right?”
The man looked absolutely bewildered. “I suppose. I just don’t know why it matters or what you want from me.”
Storm stooped down to look him in the face. “What I want is fucking answers about what happened at the roadblock. You’re going to tell me what I need to know one way or another, so why don’t you save me some time and you some pain by answering my questions the first time I ask?”
“I don’t have answers. I do have money. I can pay you to let me go.”
Storm lifted his head to look at me. “Do you want to have a go at him before I start breaking fingers?”
“Sure, boss. I’m getting strange vibes from this one.”
“Me too, but we don’t have all damned day to hold his damn hand.”
I stared down at the man’s blank expression for a long hard moment. “I need to know why y’all were standing at that roadblock shooting at us yesterday.”
“I wasn’t shooting at anyone. I don’t even carry a gun.”
“You expect me to believe you arrived with a carload of goons bent on killing, but you didn’t have a gun and had no intention of shooting anyone?”
“Yeah, that’s about the right of it. I tried to tell the kid that getting involved was a really bad idea, but he wouldn’t listen. Unfortunately, he was the one with the gun and he wouldn’t take no for an answer. Now, my car is gone, I’ve got two cracked ribs, and I’m here in your nice dungeon getting interrogated by bikers about things I know nothing about.”
Storm was standing beside me within seconds. “What the fuck is he babbling about?”
“It sounds like he’s saying the kid who shot our prospect carjacked his vehicle with him in it.”
“Why in the hell would he do that? It doesn’t make any sense to steal someone’s car and force them to come along on a killing spree. I mean, the kid would have to be worried about his hostage jumping him while he was in the middle of a shootout.”
“I don’t think he was expecting a shootout. He kept saying that he had to get to the rendezvous point. While we were driving to wherever that was, we came upon the roadblock. He got excited and said, ‘There they are.’ He made me stop the car while things were in full swing,” the man explained.
Storm glared at our hostage. “Fucking hell, why didn’t you just drive off when the kid got out of the car?”
“He reached over and grabbed my keys from the ignition. When I realized I couldn’t drive away, I got out of the car and tried to run. That’s when someone caught me with the corner of their van while they were turning around. It knocked me to the ground, and before I could catch my breath, someone in a leather vest was dragging me away.”
“Why the fuck didn’t you just say that in the first place?” Storm asked angrily.