Page 139 of Haunted
“And why is that so all-fired important?”
Teague turned his head to meet Butch’s gaze. “Because he’ll only be here for a week, and I want him to enjoy it, not be on edge ’cause of whatever the two of you have going on.”
“There’s nothing goin’ on between us,” Butch retorted quickly.
Maybe a littletooquickly.
Teague widened his eyes. “You want to try that again?”
“Don’t see why I need to.”
That twinkle in Teague’s eyes told him his bluff had been called.
“I guess I was right when I said you liked him.” Teague smiled. “Only, you like him in a different way to the rest of us, don’t you?”
Shit. Shit. Shit.
The sound of tires on gravel was a blessed relief.
Butch got to his feet. “They’re back.”
“And in the nick of time too.” Teague’s lips twitched. He got up and they went into the house, just as Toby and the boss came through the front door.
Robert looked exhausted.
Toby stood slightly in front of him. “Everything good here?”
“Matt’s got food waiting for you in the kitchen,” Teague told them. “And the party’s all cleared away.”
“We’ll do it again.” The boss gave him a weary smile. “When Diana can share it with us.”
“You got that right.” He tipped his hat. “I’ll say goodnight. We can talk in the morning.” And with that, he left them.
Toby’s hand was on the back of the boss’s neck. “You go on into the kitchen. I want a word with Butch.”
The boss nodded, and walked along the hallway toward the kitchen.
“Something wrong?” Apart from the fact that the boss seemed to have aged ten years in one night.
“Got a job I’d like you to do for us in the morning.”
“Sol came up with an idea. He suggested the cabin down by the creek could be used for any… overnight guests you guys might want to invite.”
Butch gaped. “Really?”
“Well, thisisyour home, and Robert and I agreed you should all feel free to have guests. Obviously the bunkhouse is out so the cabin would give you a little privacy.”
Way to go, Sol.They owed him, big time. Butch couldn’t wait to see their faces when he sharedthisbit of news.
He said as much, and to his surprise, Toby’s face fell.
“We were going to get everyone together and put it to you all, get your input, but you know what? Life’s too short.Youknow they’re going to love the idea,wethink they’ll love it, so let’s just go ahead and get the job done, so everybody can start using the place, getting some enjoyment out of life.”
Butch knew he was thinking of Diana.
Nothing like a brush with death to make you aware of your own mortality.