Page 148 of Haunted
There was the tiniest pause before Butch said, “Yeah, got those too.” His voice sounded like a blunt saw driving through wood, and Sol grinned.Score two to me.“Course, have to remember we could have maleorfemale guests. And we can’t have it looking like a whorehouse either. Hell, what if someone’s mom or sister comes to visit?”
Sol hadn’t considered that. “I see your point. I’d only thought about bringing guests there to—”
“Yeah, that was my thought too. I just wanted to mess with your head. Call it payback.”
This was turning out better than Sol had hoped.
“Who gets to try out the place first?”
“We haven’t discussed it yet. Toby only got me working on this on Tuesday. But weekends will be the most popular times, so we might be talking about a roster.”
“And will you be adding your name to it?”
“Hadn’t thought about it.”
The prompt response intrigued him.
“Is that code for ‘Ihavethought about it but I don’t want to tellyouthat’?”
There was a pause. “Would it bother you if I did?”
Sol had to think about that. What disturbed him was the realization that yes, itwouldbother him—a lot.
Change the subject.
“When will you be done at the cabin?”
“Once I’ve finished painting and moved all the furniture back inside—not that there’s a lot to move—thenI’m done. What about you? What are you up to?”
“I’ve just finished setting up a website. Nothing like the one I did for Robert and Toby. This is a site for model railway enthusiasts.”
“Hey, there are a lot of them out there.”
“Takes all sorts, I guess.” Then Butch went quiet, and goosebumps pricked into life all over Sol’s arms.
“You still there?”
“Yeah, I’m here. Just thinking.”
“What about?”
“You remember we talked a few days ago?”
“As I recall, it was a memorable conversation.” Butch coughed, and Sol smiled.Score three.“What about it?”
“Well, I’ve been thinking a lot about something you said.”
Sol couldn’t resist. “Good to know you’ve been thinking about me, because I’ve been thinking about you.”
“See, you say stuff like that, and whatever I was gonna say goes clean out of my head.”
“Okay, I’ll shut up and listen.”
“You… you were talking about… taking a dick.”
Oh dear God.