Page 151 of Haunted
“Sorry. And good call, by the way. Are you in the barn?”
“I’m guessing there’s no one around then.”
“You guess right. Walt and Owen have taken the guests to where the herd are grazing, giving them some genuine cowboy time. They’ll be back in an hour or so.” Toby and the boss were at the hospital, and Matt was working on supper. Paul was probably in the stable, so Butch was pretty sure he wouldn’t be disturbed.
His heart had been thumping ever since Sol had hung up.
Can’t believe I said yes to this.
“Okay. You see the two cabinets against the wall? Go to the one on the right and open it.”
Butch approached the tall wooden cabinet, his pulse rapid. He gazed at the contents. “Sure are a lot of… things in here.” Some of them made his heart beat even faster, and set something fluttering in his belly.
Sol chuckled. “Think of it as a toy chest. Can you see the dildos and vibrators?”
Butch glanced at the shelf and snorted. “That’s not a dildo—that’s a traffic cone.”
“Turn the camera on. Show me.”
“I thought you could see all this stuff in your photos?” Nevertheless, Butch clicked on the icon, and Sol’s face filled the screen, his blue eyes bright. There had to be a window close by, because the afternoon sun played over his tanned bare chest, highlighting the curve of his pecs, the dip below his sternum, and the hollow between his collarbones.
Sol smiled. “Hey there, gorgeous.”
Whatever he’d been about to say was lost in a rush of warmth. “Hey.” He cleared his throat and peered closer. “Are you in bed?”
“Technically, I’monbed. I wanted to be comfortable while we talked. And much as I would love to look at your handsome face all afternoon, I believe I mentioned a little challenge?”
He managed another eye-roll. “I haven’t forgotten.”
“Then flip the camera and show me the dildos.”
Butch did as instructed, pointing to the bronze monstrosity that had caught his attention. “That’s not a toy, it’s an instrument of torture.”
Sol laughed. “Yeah. Toby’s favorite dildo was about that size. He named it Gargantua.”
“Can’t think why,” Butch murmured.
“Look at the top shelf. See the pretty little vibrators?”
Butch peered at them. There was one shaped like a long, slim cock, another that was neon-pink, and yet another that looked for all the world like a real dick—
Something caught his eye. “What’s this?” He picked up the black object. One end was slightly curved and sleek, made of shiny plastic, and there was a lip in the center, comprising little nubs. The other more bulbous end was made of matte silicone, soft to the touch, also with a slight curve to it.
Butch stared at it, and his hole clenched. “Just so I’m clear on this… you want me to put this in my ass?”
“You got it. Except that one might be a tad ambitious for a first time.”
He gazed at the toy. The business end of it was at least as thick as three of his fingers. “I think I’m with you on that.” He peered at the shelf. “What about this one?” He picked up the neon-pink tube with a switch at its base. “That’s more my kinda size.”
Sol laughed. “And such a pretty color too. Okay, we’ll go with that one. Third shelf from the bottom. Grab some lube.”
He flipped the camera back and stared at the screen. “You don’t think Toby’s gonna be pissed that I’m using his supplies?”
Sol’s eyes twinkled. “If it makes you feel better, I’ll bring a brand-new bottle of lube with me to replace that one. And you can wash the toy when you’re done. You’ll find a spray in there to get it clean as a whistle.” His lips twitched. “The lube, Butch. Time’s ticking away.”
Butch grabbed the nearest bottle. “Now what?”