Page 161 of Haunted
‘At night, you’ll be mine. And I’ll be all yours.’
As for spending his nights in Sol’s bed, no one would bat an eye, not if they thought it was just him and Teague doing what they’d done for the past five years.
It’s not as if either of us has come right out and said we’re not fucking anymore, right?
Yeah, that didn’t sit well with him, and he felt certain Teague would feel the same way. And there was nothing wrong with telling the others he and Sol were doing a little horizontal dancing, right?
Except they weren’t dancing—yet—and Butch wasn’t going to breathe a word until he’d talked to Sol.
He could change his mind.
He could hook up with one of the guys who’s staying over there with him.
Someone who lives his life the way Sol does.
It was those kinds of thoughts that killed his mood now and then, like a heavy blanket weighing him down, and throwing it off took a real effort.
Sunday afternoon had been drawn-out and lazy. Paul and Walt had ridden out with the guests that morning to hunt deer and elk, getting ready to stock the freezer for winter. And when they’d returned in good spirits, Matt turned up with coffee and snacks, and they’d sat around the bunkhouse table, chatting about their day.
Right then the guests had taken over the bathroom, and Matt was busy preparing supper. Zeeb was sitting on the couch, cleaning rifles. He glanced up from his task.
“Fellas? Y’all know it’s my birthday end of the month, right?”
Walt laughed. “No, really? You could’ve told us.” He pointed to the calendar stuck on the fridge door, with the twenty-ninth circled in red, andZeeb is 40written on it.
Zeeb rolled his eyes. “Just for that, I’m not gonna invite you to my birthday celebration.”
“You still planning on going to a casino?” Butch asked him.
“Yup, that’s the plan. Any of you wanna come along, you’d be most welcome. I’m gonna stay the night in Livingston, and if you wanna do that, you’d better book yourself a room.”
“I love the idea,” Matt said as he placed bowls on the table. “But the boss won’t let us all go.”
Zeeb grinned. “Ya think? Well, it so happens that I spoke with the boss this morning after breakfast. He said as long as there’s one of us here with the guests, for insurance purposes, it’s fine by him. So… Who’s comin’ with me?”
“I’ve never been to a casino,” Paul remarked. “Do I need to wear a tux?”
Zeeb laughed. “Hell no. You’ve been watching too many James Bond movies. It’s a whole lot more casual than that.”
Paul smiled. “Then count me in. I’d better save up for it.”
Walt snorted. “You’ll need to.”
“That mean you won’t come?” Zeeb asked.
“Are you kidding?” He grinned. “I wouldn’t miss it.”
“Me too,” Matt added. “And if you want a cheap room for the night, I can recommend a hotel.”
“I’d like to go,” Butch told Zeeb. “But then there’ll be no one minding the store, if you get my drift.”
Zeeb grinned. “All taken care of. Owen says he’ll do it. He said it would make a change from sleeping with only the herd for comp’ny.”
“Then okay, I’m in too.”
“I was gonna ask Sol if he wanted to join us.” Teague frowned, and Zeeb held his hands up. “I know, I know, he’ll be here as a guest, but he’s more than that, an’ we know it. And hewillbe here that week, right?”
Teague nodded. “Run it past Toby. See what he says before you invite him.” Zeeb whipped his phone out, and Teague chuckled. “I didn’t mean right this minute.”