Page 163 of Haunted
It was on the tip of his tongue to remind Sol he wasn’t talking to one of his subs.
“Yes, you. Was I right about playing with your hole?”
I ain’t submissive. Not by a long shot. I’ve been the one on top ever since I started fucking guys.
Then why wasn’t he saying all that to Sol?
“Was it as amazing as I said it would be?”
He had him there. “Yeah.”
“So believe me when I tell you this will be just as awesome. Well? What do you say?”
Wait just one goddamn minute.
It felt as though he was standing at a door, one that Sol wanted him to walk through—a door leading into something new, and huge, and scary as shit.
He’s treating me like one of his subs.
Thisiswhat he does, right?
What shocked the fuck out of him was how much he wanted to see what lay on the other side. Because all this stuff Sol was coming out with had him hooked.
What we did last Thursday… is that the kinda thing he does with his subs too?
If it was, then maybe Butch had already taken a step through that doorway without even knowing it, and he wasn’t sure how that made him feel. But the conversation had sewn yet another seed, and he was torn.
What if he’s right again?
Would it really matter if this isa sub thing?
Sol hadn’t come out and said as much, had he? And after all the internal wrestling Butch was doing, everything boiled down to one crystal clear thought.
I wanna see just how good it can be.
His heart pounded.
Say yes, before you change your mind.
Before he lost his nerve.
“Okay.” He was so fucking proud of how confidently he uttered that one word.
“In that case… how about we start with no jerking off for a week?
“Aweek?” he yelled into the phone. “I was thinking a day.”
Hell no. Hell to the fucking no.
“But where’s the challenge in that? You can already go a couple, three days without jerking off—you said so.”
“Yeah, I did, didn’t I?”Me and my big mouth.
“So how about we say you can’t come until I call you a week from today. This time Sunday. Only, you’d better make sure you’re someplace private.”