Page 89 of Haunted
“Don’t. Wait in the new barn, and I’ll bring them to you. The guests are all taking showers right now. They won’t miss us.”
“Thank you.” Sol headed for the barn.
Butch took a deep breath.
I must be out of my mind to consider this.
He wasn’t sure why he hadn’t refused pointblank, but he’d said he’d go along with it.
And what if they say yes?
He’d deal with that situation if it arose.
“I’m sure you’re wondering why Butch asked you to come here,” Sol began.
“Whatever the reason, can we be quick? I’ve got stuff to do up at the house,” Matt told him.
“It’ll only take a minute—well, unless you agree. Let’s wait and see.”
“Wait just one minute.” Zeeb narrowed his eyes. “Is this Amway?”
Walt frowned. “What the hell is Amway?”
Zeeb looked heavenward. “Lord, you aresoyoung.”
Butch chuckled. “Another time, okay? Sol has a… proposal to put to you.”
Paul arched his eyebrows. “Okay, you’ve got me hooked. What’s going on?”
“And does the boss know about it?” Teague added.
“Yes, he does.”
“Would you justlookat this place?” Walt wandered over to the sling and gave the chains a tentative stroke.
Zeeb stared at the flat bench. “Why are there two holes in this thing?” He pointed to the one at the end. “That’s for your face, I guess, like those massage tables. Oh, is that what this is? Then what’s that middle hole for?” Before Sol could explain, Zeeb’s eyes widened. “Holy Mary mother of God, it’s for your dick, isn’t it?”
Sol bit back a chuckle. “I knew you’d get there eventually.”
Zeeb was still staring at the hole. “Christ, there are some kinky fuckers out there,” he muttered.
Sol coughed. “Zeeb? You think I can drag your mind back for a second here?”
Zeeb flushed. “I’m listening.”
Sol gazed at them. “How would you guys feel about playing dress-up?”
Matt’s eyebrows shot up. “Okay, I didn’t seethatcoming.”
Sol didn’t waste time. He outlined his idea, making sure to mention the anonymity of the photos, what they’d be wearing, the kind of photos he had in mind… They needed to see the whole picture.
“So you’d be taking the photos in here.” Walt gestured to the equipment. “On some of this.” His cheeks pinked. “Just checking I’ve got it all straight in my head.”
Zeeb cackled. “Ain’t nothing straight about any of this.” He shook his head. “Not me. I’d do anything for the boss—within reason—but not that.”
“I’m with Zeeb,” Paul added.
Sol nodded. “Thanks for being honest.” Their responses were pretty much as he’d anticipated.