Page 36 of Finally, His
“I consent to non-consent.” That left the playing field wide open.
Alexander’s lips quirked. “Eager.”
The man had no idea. Eric merely swallowed and nodded once.
Alexander turned to Claude. “Do you know what that means?”
“I do.”
“Then have a seat. Over there.” Alexander gestured to the largest leather chair in the room. The man would be dwarfed by it. Perhaps a message? There was one lion in the room, and it wasn’t Claude. Still, the man settled into the chair. Jeanette knelt next to it.
Alexander moved to a series of hooks that hung from the ceiling a mere twenty-five feet from where the couple sat. Eric followed.
Alexander turned to him, a skein in each hand. “Are you sure about this?”
“Never surer.”
“Then say it. Loud enough for it to reach everyone’s ears.”
Eric widened his stance. “I consent to non-consent to Master Alexander Rockingham.” He nearly bellowed the words. If anyone missed it, they were either in subspace or deaf.
Alexander never took his eyes off his face. “Carrie?”
“I witness, Master Rockingham. CNC. Noted.” Carrie’s strong voice reached his ears, but he nearly didn’t believe it. When had Carrie entered? Then again, the submissive assistant was a fixture at Accendos and had learned to be stealthier than a panther.
Eric’s gaze began to drift downward. So, his submission began. He was a switch and could move from role to role if given enough incentive. With Alexander, his mere presence was enough. But when in his full Master power? He had no choice. It just happened.
“Claude,” Alexander continued. “A witness to consent is a requirement.”
“I’ve been told,” the man said.
“Good. One violation and membership is revoked forever.”
Eric dearly would have loved to see the man’s reaction to that statement, but he couldn’t rip his eyes off Alexander’s chest, his hands holding the ropes. Soon, those ropes would be on him, and who knew what would happen then? He began to harden. It would be damned difficult to remember it was a demonstration. Merely a demo, he repeated in his head.
“CNC. Hmmm.” Alexander’s hand lifted his chin.
Eric had surprised him. “Yes, Sir.” Alexander knew him—his limits, his desires, when anything became too much. He’d only give one person on the planet such control over him, and he stood before him.
One small nod from Alexander acknowledged his offer. “Remember. You are mine.” His eyes softened.
An abnormal level of joy filled Eric’s chest. Alexander agreed with his statement, yes. But more than that, the man’s tone was different. Alexander often declared his ownership of him and Rebecca. But right then, his voice had relaxed, was even tender. It didn’t last. Alexander’s eyes shuttered back to that fire-ice blue.
Alexander’s hand dropped. “Clothes off. And watch me as you shed them.” He dropped to a chair that Carrie had dragged over. A simple wooden schoolhouse chair that creaked under the man’s considerable size. He set the skeins on his lap and adjusted his suit coat, a quick jerk of his sleeves that went straight to Eric’s crotch and growing erection.
Eric yanked his belt free and raised one eyebrow as if to question where he should drop it. He half hoped the man would ask for it to use on him later. Anything to be handled by him.
Alexander nodded and sliced his eyes to the floor, a quick up and back in answer. Eric obeyed. First, the belt clattered to the floor. Then his jacket. His shirt was next, followed quickly by pants and briefs. He kicked them to the side with some force, which elicited a tiny smile from Alexander. A true submissive would have been more timid.
Alexander cocked his head to look around him. “Claude. Eric has a pain level of eight, and I do believe he’s testing me to see if I might try to wipe away that sliver of bravado. What do you think?”
Shit, no. Asking for the man’s input? He didn’t give a rat’s ass what Claude thought. Shame began to build inside him.
“I don’t know. I don’t know Eric.” It was the best answer—correct, humble, and wise, given Alexander was also testing Claude’s arrogance. Eric tried to tamp down the irritation that had bubbled up a second ago because Alexander was right. Eric was trying to show off a little. But he didn’t want Alexander to hold back just because there were witnesses.
Alexander upturned his palm. Carrie, who Eric had barely registered, handed him something silver, metal. Fuck him. A cock cage?
The infernal thing was on him in seconds, leather straps keeping it snug and tight. Alexander then tightened it even more. His cock pulsed against the long steel pillars.