Page 53 of Finally, His
The man lazily turned his head to glance at him. With a quick purse of the lips and a nod, he and Carson wisely stepped backward.
“Your show,” Marcos said.
Richard got within inches of Wayne’s smug face. “Get out.”
As usual, the bastard chuffed, followed by a quirk of his lips topping off his arrogant repertoire. “As her husband, I’d say I have every right to be here.”
She knew the day would come when Wayne would show up. Try to claim her once again. As if the judge’s decree on their years-ago annulment meant anything to him. He was not one to follow the rules.
But did his appearance have to be today?
She’d wanted her walk to be flawless, perfect. Yet seeing him had her faltering, causing a slight pause in her advance down the catwalk. It pissed her off—until the usual terror took its place. The pattern was always the same around him. A slice of heat ran through her body, followed by a cold chill that washed over her like a tidal wave.
In her periphery, she sought Richard. He’d kept his gaze on her through her entire walk. And, as she knew it would, as soon as her hesitation took over, she felt him. His presence was like a giant invisible hand curling around her whole body, urging her forward despite her fear.
You know what? Wayne could go to hell. Even so, her renewed bravado didn’t stop her from automatically searching the crowd. Wayne rarely traveled alone. His posse of idiots had to be with him.
But then again,shewas not alone. Never would be again.
She continued walking until she got to the end of the catwalk. She rounded the corner of the tall accordion screen, and Laurent caught her in a half embrace. Her knees had given out.
Richard had always told her to “take the small victories, and they will turn into larger ones.” So, she was proud of herself for waiting to crumble once out of Wayne’s sight.
“I’m okay,” she said automatically to Laurent. “I-I am fine. Nerves, that’s all.”
“Quickly. It’s time for the final parade.” He grasped her shoulders.
She couldn’t go back out there, could she?
She had to.
She would not disappoint Laurent—or Richard.
Laurent sighed and dropped his arms. “This,” he waved his hands up and down her torso. “is some of my greatest work. You’re going to look gorgeous in it when you take your march down the wedding aisle. Now, go … I’ll be right behind you,” he whispered dramatically.
She smoothed her hands down the bodice. “It’s the most gorgeous thing I’ll ever wear. Thank you.”If Wayne doesn’t fuck that up.
She clasped both his wrists, and his smile returned. “Whenever you have time to make it, of course.”
His brow furrowed. “Make it? Darling, it’s beenmade. You’re wearing your wedding gown.”
Oh. “Richard bought it, didn’t he?”
Laurent raised one eyebrow as if to say, “Duh.”
Richard had been in a hurry to marry her a mere two months after they met. And technically, she was free to do so. If only Wayne hadn’t shown up and tried to ruin it. Richard knew about her past—at least most of it, like how after Daniel died, she barely held on.
She was easy prey for Wayne and his gang. She was more than easy. She might as well have had a target on her ass.
They showed up nearly every night at the bar where she worked. At first, Wayne had been kind. Large tips left behind. Telling the other men to back off when they got drunk and their hands wandered to her butt. He started hanging out toward the end of her shift, helping her stack sticky chairs on even stickier tables. He’d walk her to her car to make sure she got there safely. At first, she’d felt protected. But then …
Shake it off.She had a new life waiting for her. There was no reason to visit the old one.
She took a cleansing breath, then found her place in the line-up with Laurent behind her. He grasped her shoulders, squeezed once, and squealed. Before she knew it, her feet were gliding her forward with the rest of the models.
A wall of applause hit her as soon as she re-entered the South Hall. People were on their feet, clapping excitedly.
Her eyes frantically searched the crowd for Richard. He was nowhere to be found. But then again, neither was Wayne. His minions, however, stood off to the side, like sentinels waiting for a chance to strike.